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Reduced Blu respawn time on B
Changed location of Blu’s first forward spawn
Added snow $surfaceprop to roof and ground textures
Fixed sticky bombs sticking to one-way door on B
Various lighting and detailing changes
Improved soundscapes
Clipping adjustments
Added a one-way door to the A-B connector flank
Removed dropdown next to B silo
Added medium ammo near the B roof
Adjusted position of medium health and ammo next to B silo
Increased capture time on C
Increased Blu respawn time on C
Various visual additions, improvements, and fixes
Clipping adjustments
Decreased Red’s respawn time on C
Added a secondary exit to Blu’s first forward spawn
Any players still inside Red’s forward spawn 10 seconds after B is capped will now be teleported to their final spawn
Clipping improvements
Various visual changes
Improved soundscapes
Fixed roof trim collision on A
Blocked gap in A shack roof
Moved medium health and ammo from B cliff to the base of the silo
Continued art pass
Various pickup adjustments
Decreased cap time on A
Increased cap time on B & C
Increased delay before Blu’s second spawn enables after capping A
Removed misleading ledge on B cliff
Changed roof of shack on B to limit sniper head peak angle
Added staircase up to right side balcony on C
Raised and widened cliff on C
Fixed broken areaportal in Blu’s first spawn
Fixed func_respawnroom not covering all of Blu’s third spawn
Lighting improvements
Began art pass
Adjusted orientation of doorways in A point building
Removed staircase up to right side of A point building
Replaced window in A point building with a dropdown
Adjusted position of Blu’s second spawn
Changed shape of roof near silo to be accessible to all classes from either side
Increased length of silo platform
Closed off right side balcony on C
Lowered balcony and upper lobbies on C by 64 hu
Added a staircase connecting the upper left side route to the lower route on C
Reduced the width of C cap zone
Extended cover beside the C cap zone
Split entrance to room beside the C cap zone into two smaller doorways
Adjusted routing in Red’s final spawn
Fixed a bug that allowed Red to enter their first spawn after it had been disabled
Increased Blu respawn time on B
Decreased Red respawn time on A and B
Added a new entrance to the right side of the main A building
Blocked right side route on A that allowed Blu to bypass the point
Removed a door from the A-B basement route and connected it to the right side flank
Door in the A-B basement route now closes after B is capped
Adjusted cover in left side building on A
Removed some walls in the A-B connector
Changed dropdown flank on the A-B connector to a staircase
Expanded the B cap zone
Added trusses to the B ceiling that provide cover from the upper window
Added a one-way window in Red’s first spawn
Fixed a bug where Red’s first spawn doors would stay open when the spawn was inactive
Added a door to the lower route between B and C that opens after B is capped
Reverted dropdown on C cliff flank to a staircase
Adjusted cover around the point on C
Expanded Red’s high ground on C
Adjusted various pickups
Lighting adjustments
Clipping adjustments
Reduced capture time on B and C
Increased Red respawn time on B
Moved Blu second spawn closer to B
Added a window connecting the upper and lower routes in A building
Removed a rock near the cliff on B
Widened doorways in shed near silo
Added a dropdown to flank below silo
Moved medium health and ammo below silo closer to the cliff
Moved left side doorway in C upper lobby
Made platform at the base of C staircase flank a dropdown
Lighting adjustments
Clipping adjustments
Increased Red respawn time on A and C
Decreased Red respawn time on B
Added a staircase on B connecting the left side of roof to the main floor
Redesigned B main floor and basement to accommodate the new staircase
Added cover on C
Lighting adjustments
Clipping adjustments