updated to latest version of "stop that tank" vscript game mode fixed bomb alarm sound playing continuously miscellaneous other small fixes
packed a single missing hud icon that was bothering me (it was my own fault)
updated to latest version of "stop that tank" vscript game mode tank speed reduced from 70 to 45 changed time increase on point cap to 3 minutes added tank path detour around sightline blocker connecting b to c
updated to latest version of "stop that tank" vscript game mode increased lightmap resolution on a couple of surfaces i missed in my previous pass
updated to latest version of "stop that tank" vscript game mode lots of small changes and adjustments that i totally forgot (zythe_ adjacent patch note??)
updated to newest version of stop that tank vscript game mode improved detailing improved clipping improved* performance performance improvements may vary depending on system configuration
detailing adjustments clipping adjustments performance adjustments swapped out payload control point models for standard control point models
adjusted awning near C so giant robots have a new path to use adjusted collision in sniper building so giant robots can access the health pack area adjusted height of ceiling in map room connector so giant robots can use it they still cannot exit via the window added another exit to BLU's forward spawn changed colors in BLU's forward spawn to gray changed setup goal strings to provide better context minor detailing adjustments
temporarily added a teleport door in BLU's spawn rooms to quickly hop between each this is intended to be used to mitigate what i believe is a bug with the game mode where points captured by tanks will not spawn the bomb
changed map name from "badworks" to "badwater alpine" to avoid a naming conflict with a deathmatch map "fixed" bomb only spawning at BLU's first spawn (seems to be a game mode bug. bomb will spawn at control points captured manually by players, but not by the tank) re-themed blu's first spawn to be gray instead of blue other minor detailing adjustments