Changed a/b connector on red side up.
Added a ramp room in the back of C to connect low and high ground.
Various little fixes
Tweaked capture times, particularly reduced it on C.
Added an area behind C, and underneath it.
Chopped off most of the house around A.
Increased the height of the train tunnel between A and B.
Added more cover coming out of the train tunnel into B.
Extended B point and added a block you can jump to from the train bridge on attacker's side.
I made points easier to defend I hope? please don't let them take it.
expanded ledge across from B a bit and gave a red entrance to it with a shack, added cover to A for defenders, removed cover for blu, some small geo changes. reduced respawn times for both teams, reduced time granted by the points, made the train lean a lot more towards passable cars.