
koth_atlas a3

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koth_atlas a3

Spur of the moment mapping

This isn't my first map, I've made several jump maps but I feel it's time to actually contribute to the actual game. And I finally feel that I know enough about mapping to actually make something worthwhile.

I don't know why but I just had the urge to start up a new koth map with the control point really close to a wall as opposed to in the middle.

This may end up being detailed for Frontline, but that can wait till beta.

I will be keeping a changelog here: http://pastebin.com/XckRa6eP
First release
Last update
King of the Hill
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

Latest updates

  1. a3: now featuring 200% more garage

    _a3: added the garage made the big garage door open and close based on who has the cp (you can...
  2. a2

    updated to _a2: added arrows moved some crates around did some temp texturing changed the...