Trying to stop spawncamping.

[VD] Oliver

L1: Registered
Oct 10, 2016
Hello, I am making my own map soon, but I am interested that if there is some event that blocks projectiles/bullets like rockets and stickies?
That would really be helpful. :)


Jan 7, 2015
There's no easy way to block projectiles and damage but allow players through. Instead, give your spawn multiple exits that can't be watched at the same time, and make sure the players coming out aren't immediately subjected to any bad sightlines or height disadvantages.

[VD] Oliver

L1: Registered
Oct 10, 2016
Well, maybe I am a newbie, but I will try my best.
There aren't any events that block them ?
I could always try to connect them with func_respawnroomvisualizer.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Well, maybe I am a newbie, but I will try my best.
There aren't any events that block them ?
I could always try to connect them with func_respawnroomvisualizer.
Respawnroomvisualizers don't block any kind of damage. They are essential for informing players of where the spawn room entrances are but that is about it.

The main way to stop spawn camping is to give players multiple exits that lead to different areas and giving those exits some height advantage over any area an enemy would want to be in to spawn camp. Those exits need to be obvious as well. Think about the spawn room to nucleus. It has 3 exits that lead to 3 different areas which is great for avoiding spawn camp BUT players are generally drawn to the big front exit opposed to the other 2 exits which causes that exit to become spawn camped.


L1: Registered
Sep 3, 2016
Tbh spawncamping prevention is the at the best point when there is 2 or 3 exits out of your spawn. If there is only one exit, thats a problem because the whole team gets funneled through.

There really isn't any way to stop it except for exits. Not funneling an entire team through one door, aand the competence of the team to not get spawncamped is all you can count on.

[VD] Oliver

L1: Registered
Oct 10, 2016
I remember there is an event on exists on Trade_Plaza 2 map where it makes stickies, mad milks, jarates and others bounce off.
Do you know it?


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Some custom maps use special brush entities to deflect and block bullets and projectiles. You could seal a doorway with an invisible func_brush, and use triggers to turn it off or on when players attempt to walk through it. You can also cover a doorway in an invisible func_physboxmultiplayer and it will block shots. Each trick has its pros and cons so you will need to experiment.

If you are making a map designed for standard TF2 play you should work on preventing spawn camping by designing your map to minimise it. You could look at how long it takes teams to reach the enemy spawn and compare it with respawn wave times, and design the architecture on routes toward it so that they gave scant cover and pickups to make it challenging.

A little bit of spawn camping is okay in my opinion, but only for a short time and not when there isn't much time left on the clock. Occasional spawn camping by a small number of players can feel rewarding for those who get to do it because they feel like they have done a good job beating the attackers back. Being spawn camped isn't fun and is annoying when there are good hiding spots for the people who are camping. It should only take a little extra effort or some coordination to clear spawn campers out, which rewards those players for responding to a threat.


Mar 1, 2010
Not only multiple exits, but corners that the opposing team can't shoot around is also really important. It doesn't matter how many exits you have if you can see exactly where they spawn in from outside.