
CP Sunshine rc9

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Jul 30, 2014
Just finished the first part of the etf2l sunshine cup, it was kinda a roll for us so I can't give any feedback but the whole team is enjoying the map so far :)


Nov 6, 2011
I never updated this thread to RC5, so what the hell, more than a whole month late but w/e


Download | TF.TV page

Currently being played in ETF2L, ESEA, UGC 6s, UGC HL, OzFortress, and countless other leagues
Download for RC4 is in the last page so that's still accessible if anyone wants it

(...can I get this thing showcased too, or is that something that doesn't happen anymore)

Cheers, RC6 coming soon after some standout feedback from ESEA, ETF2L, UGC and b4nny the man
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Sep 19, 2010
A friend of mine was getting ready to scrim on Sunshine and had never played it, so we loaded up rc5 on my server and I noticed you fixed the roofs at mid. I smiled.


Nov 6, 2011
cp_sunshine_rc7 released! Head on over to the map's page for all relevant details!

Changelog, rc7 from rc5:
- remade a great portion of last
---opened up right side
---remade central details
---removed claws
---widened lower
---centered spawns
---refined cap zone and cap time
---cleaned up detailing and lighting
---added crates behind point
---removed heavy spot and changed sightlines
-clipping fixed generously
-rooves clipped properly and most made into illusionaries
-fixed various prop lighting bugs
-streamlined detailing
-removed metal overhang on second
-large optimization improvements
---added propfades
---refined occluder usage
---refined hint brush usage
---lightmap optimization
---filesize reduction (still a large file though)
-replaced various custom textures and props with stock ones
-slightly widened plank over mid
-removed arches in cafe
-removed pipe hiding spot in lobby
-fixed skybox water having seams
-improved environment lighting


lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
thank god you changed that heavy spot, I had only played 2 scrims on that map and it was impossible to push into last without Kritz directly on that spot.


Dec 6, 2014
I only have 2 tiny issues with RC7, which are the rockets on last and the fog. For the rockets on last, you're using a skybox model for the top half which in this case just doesn't work. The lighting is completely different from the bottom part which is a full-scale model, and because it's a skybox model it's being rendered behind the non-skybox things. The launch clamp holding the rocket in place as well as the skylight above the rocket render trough the top half of the rocket. There are full-sized full-scale rocket models available, so I suggest you use those instead.

For the fog: I have to give you points for using fog at all but I have to take those points right back because of how it's implemented. TL;DR version: it's ugly. NL;CR version: the skycards get really ugly once you start to distance yourself from them, and the fog over the ocean is just too white. If fog is used in any level it usually has a color other than white, and that color usually resembles the color of the skybox behind it, which is in Sunshine's case a light blue. I'd try that instead of the fully white fog.

Other than that: waiting for the map to become official.


Nov 6, 2011


Upvote Sunshine on the Steam Maps Workshop!

Google Drive Download:
Mediafire Download:

rc8 changelog from rc7:
- changed lower choke on last
--- removed double door
--- instead, made it a single thin door
--- pushed entrance point back a little bit
- eliminated sightlines to shutter
--- lifted box up to protect against sightline that went over it
--- added barrel on side of prop pile in order to prevent the corner sightline
--- moved boxes in tile room over a slight bit to prevent sightline from spawn
--- tyler's door, aka the small door situated at 45° off of tile room, has been moved slightly
- spawn changes
--- moved resupply cabinets forward slightly
--- angled doors perpendicular to the large wall on last rather than parallel
--- lowered right door, staircase is now outside spawn instead of inside
--- one-way windows à la snakewater
- eliminated secret
- subtly changed capzone on last
- removed computers you could stand on behind last
- fixed teleporter bugs
- extensive clipping pass and prop clippings
- extensive fps improvements, will not be perfect but it will run better than rc7
--- occluders optimized
--- hint brushes worked on extensively
--- more prop fades
--- prop optimization - removing certain poly-heavy props and various little clutter
- streamlined various roof edges
- fixed many texture bugs and lighting errors
- no more spinning lighthouse
- polish
- deer

Screenshots of major changes:







All glamor screenshots are in the OP, as well as other polishings.

If anything is broken, let me know ASAP and I will put out a cp_sunshine_rc8a. Thanks!


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
Congrats on being effectively final.

Also, I'm not sure I like how your new profile picture is looking at me.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Just a note: By now I'm sure you've noticed that the texture you're treating as a concrete floor is actually a very neutral-colored dirt, according to the filenames. Valve has used it to represent concrete before, and for the most part it passes off as concrete just fine, but in these screenshots in particular, it looks especially like dirt to me. Keep in mind that it also sounds like dirt when you walk on it. There are some concrete wall textures that look reasonably like bare concrete floors; you might want to swap it out for one of those.


Nov 6, 2011
Just a note: By now I'm sure you've noticed that the texture you're treating as a concrete floor is actually a very neutral-colored dirt, according to the filenames. Valve has used it to represent concrete before, and for the most part it passes off as concrete just fine, but in these screenshots in particular, it looks especially like dirt to me. Keep in mind that it also sounds like dirt when you walk on it. There are some concrete wall textures that look reasonably like bare concrete floors; you might want to swap it out for one of those.

I realize that, I mostly use it because it pairs well with the concrete walls I'm using. I really don't think anyone has complained to me that the floor looks like dirt, especially since the texture is used in maps like gorge - but I'll keep it in mind.


Nov 6, 2011
Said this in chat earlier, but I'm offering keys to anyone who can find exploits in Sunshine that would merit a version change; i.e. ways to get outside the map, engineer exploits, etc.


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
Hey, this is in the Showcase now! Neat.


Nov 6, 2011
• reduced file size drastically (repacking!)
• increased performance, optimization, and FPS across the map
• can't stand on wooden palette on last to see over boxes into lobby anymore
• clipping on structure behind last point refined
• aligned texture on metal beams above last
• changed all models/props_spytech/computer_wall03.mdl to *_wall04
• added one wooden palette to block slim sightline from last spawn
• moved medium ammo on low ground on last back to old spot
• refined displacements on mid
• removed two lights at flower in valley
• removed shadows on wood doors
• removed benches right outside of spawn
• clipped off a hiding spot in lobby
• extended high platform in valley towards mid slightly
• added box near high platform in valley to allow scouts to jump
• widened wooden ramp up to mid platform slightly
• expanded high ground next to lighthouse slightly
• filled in gap underneath wooden stairs next to mid forward spawn
• fixed a case where you could see the nodraw side of a brush
• extended the high ground near the staircase near choke on last by about 48 u
• fixed spectator cam on BLU last being linked to the RED last point instead of BLU
• added spectator cameras on second
• removed props in scaffolding under roof in lower lobby (above the healthkit used in rollout)
• removed tiled “brick” props on blu side near flowers and mid
• removed unnecessary brushwork on ceiling through cafe
• removed garbage props in cafe
• removed smaller arch doorway detail bits nearby pack on second and in flowers
• detailed the mid building some more – everything is blockbulleted and clipped, don't worry
• optimization pass, lots of hinting
• massive prop fade pass
• lighting changeups, less blinding whites now

Read the rest of this update entry...