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L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014

Banner artwork by @Pdan4, background by @MC_Labs15

Main Thread | Upload Thread | Voting (Preliminary) | Voting (Finalists) | Results

Pick a card, any card! Watch your free time disappear with's 18th Major Contest, Stack the Deck! Choose any four cards (requirements) from the Gameplay Deck, any two cards from the Detailing Deck, and let the show begin! Combine your crazy collectable cards* with your magical map-making abilities to make the best TF2 map you can. Amaze your friends! Astound random strangers! Disappoint Merasmus with subpar slight-of-hand!

And don't forget! Every great act needs a magic word! Yours for this contest is: "Asymmetrical," as in, "Your map must be Asymmetrical." How magical-yet-oddly specific!

So what are you waiting for? Grab your lovely assistants (one other mapper and two asset creators) to join you on stage (in Hammer), and put on a once-in-a-lifetime show (map) to wow the audience (judges + public voting)!

*Yes, you heard that right! You will actually be able to buy these cards as's first piece of Official Merch! And even better, your entry might get made into a card that will be in the deck! Read on for more details.


Start date: February 17th, 2024 (Right Now!)
End date: July 27th, 2024, 2:00pm EDT (18:00 UTC)

Create an asymmetric TF2 map that fulfills at least 4 challenges from the the Gameplay Deck, and fulfills at least 2 challenges from the Detailing Deck. That's right, this time there's two sets of requirements!

Maps MUST be asymmetric. This includes but is not limited to gamemodes such as Payload, Attack/Defense CP, Territorial Control, A/D CTF, A/D PASS Time, Steeltype CP
  • Asymmetric variants of traditionally symmetric gamemodes are allowed! You can create a KotH/Arena/CTF/5CP map as long as the layout is substantially asymmetrical
    • Sawmill and Lumberyard are not considered meaningfully asymmetric for this contest, at the routing is largely the same for both sides
  • Asymmetric detailing of a symmetric layout is not considered valid asymmetry
  • Custom gamemodes are allowed


The Gameplay Deck (pick 4+):

  1. Map has at least 2 stages
  2. Map has at least 3 stages (also accomplishes Card #1)
  3. Map has at least one non-deathpit hazard
    • Trains, lasers, saws, cold water that damages over time, etc.
    • func_croc and Mannhattan Grinders count as deathpits
  4. At least one active spawnroom is directly above or below an active objective
  5. At least one team’s spawnroom never moves, even across multiple stages
  6. At least one spawnroom can change ownership
  7. At least one objective in a room no bigger than 512x512
  8. At least 3 objectives in a single stage
    • Goldrush/Thunder Mountain Stage 3, Rumford, Jinn, Mercenary Park
  9. The map contains a delay mechanic
    • Barnblitz turntable
    • Routes that open/close based on the state of the game
    • Routes that open/close based on the state of the game, like in cp_steel or ctf_underpass
  10. At least two objectives within 1024hu in hammer of each other
    • You may measure capture zone triggers edge-to-edge when checking distance
  11. At least one objective under another, separate playable space
    • This space must be accessible for both teams while the objective is in play
  12. At least one objective involves a functional elevator in gameplay space
    • Hightower's titular towers, Sulfur's final point, Upland's final point, Thunder Mountain Stage 1's payload bridge
    • Have an incline of 45 degrees or steeper
  13. At least one objective involves a functional train, not including payload carts themselves
    • Mossrock final, Freight/Well mid, Cactus Canyon, Banana Bay, Traincartbomb
    • Have all inclines be shallower than 45 degrees
  14. Make use of the tf_logic_cp_timer entity
    • This is the entity used in DeGroot Keep for the timer on the final point
  15. At least one of the objectives has unusual cover
    • Nipple point, point divided by a wall, concave capture zone shape, etc

The Detailing Deck (pick 2+):

  1. Map contains a notable non-stock "hero prop" that a notable section of the map is built around
    • Examples include Hydro's Radar Dish, Nucleus's Device, Sunshine's Lighthouses, Goldrush/Badwater/Thunder Mountain/Snowycoast/Bread Space/Jinn/Phoenix's animated finale sequences
    • This can either be a bespoke prop made just for your entry, or an existing custom prop
  2. Map is set in a location other than the United States
    • This must be obvious to a casual player; generic desert in line with existing maps like Dustbowl and Fastlane cannot be claimed as "Australia" without Australian roadsigns, flora/fauna, etc.
  3. Map contains rain, snow, burning buildings, or other major weather/elemental effects
    • If you use lightning, be very gentle with any flashing or you will need to provide an Epilepsy warning.
  4. Your out-of-bounds area(s) should set your map in a notable vista(s)
    • Examples include having the map set next to a giant pit, on top of a cliff, in space, underwater, in a deep valley, next to an ocean, inside a volcano, inside a giant cave, among huge skyscrapers, etc.
  5. Have visibledetails throughout the map make ambient noises (birds visible in trees, burst pipes gushing water, frogs, etc).
    • Examples include Cashworks eagles, waterfalls in Merc Park
  6. Light areas of your map in notably different looks, based on team. Shade counts as lighting
    • RED with lanterns & BLU under a UFO beam, RED lit by torches & BLU lit with spotlights, RED lit with lava & BLU lit with consoles, etc.
  7. Have at least one notable dynamic detail outside of gameplay spaces. It should be very easy to see
    • Examples include using the skybox_swapper entity, a UFO flying around, a forest fire, etc.


These cards aren't just a fancy reskin of a checklist, but they're also going to be prizes! That's right, the winners will be receiving a set of actual, physical cards! Additionally, the top 10 finalist maps will be included as cards in that deck!

The set is expected to contain:
  • 15 Gameplay Challenge Cards
  • 7 Detailing Challenge Cards
  • 10 Finalist Map Cards featuring the 10 finalist maps submitted to the contest
  • 1 Card Box
...all designed by TF2maps Staff member @Pdan4 (with thanks to @Flipy for many of the cutout Hammer icons)!

Didn't place and still want the cards? You're in luck there too! We will be making the Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck cards available to purchase by anyone who wants a copy, as's first Official Merch. The cards will become available to purchase mid/late-November 2024, during the finalist round of voting (since we have to make the 10 cards based on the finalists first). All finalists will receive a $3 discount code as a prize.

The current projected cost is $14.99 USD (+shipping). These decks are custom-made and will be printed on-demand, so they may take up to a month to ship after ordered. International shipping to most countries will be available. The decks will be available to purchase through the end of 2024. All profits will go towards site and server maintenance. Contest participants can opt-out of having their card included in the deck, in which case the final set will contain less cards.

Contest winners will receive free copy of an exclusive Special Edition of the set, which will also include:
  • 3 Foil Map cards featuring the 3 winning maps
The version with the Foil cards will not be available for purchase, and will only be given out as a prize to the contest winners. If a winner has already ordered a copy of the set before winners are announced, we will refund you the cost and send you a "Booster Pack" containing the additional 3 Foil cards.

By entering this contest you grant us (the Staff Team) a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to design, produce, sell, and distribute cards featuring illustrations and text based on the contents of your entry and the usernames of those involved, without further compensation.

When submitting your entry, you may choose to not grant us this license and "opt-out" by including a statement saying you wish to opt-out alongside the other written materials required to enter. If you choose to opt-out, no card based on your map will be designed, produced, or sold, and no mention of the map or its creators will appear in the final set of Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck cards.​


  1. Your map must be asymmetrical
  2. Your map must fulfill at least 4 challenges from the Gameplay Deck
    • If you aren’t sure about one, ask
  3. Your map must fulfill at least 2 challenges from the Detailing Deck
    • If you aren’t sure about one, ask
  4. Your map must be able to run on any standard TF2 server/Client without any server modifications or plugins
  5. Your map must be fully detailed to the best of your ability
  6. Your map must accommodate at least 24 players in a 12v12 gamemode
    • This means stock MvM, VSH, ZI, and TR will not be considered for this contest
  7. Your map must be fully functional:
    • Custom content must be packed
    • Cubemaps must be built correctly
    • The map cannot be fullbright
    • The map must have working logic for the gamemode
  8. Any map made or started before the announcement cannot be submitted
    • "Spiritual successors" to past maps are allowed, provided you remake them from scratch. Contact us if you are unsure if your map is too close to a previous map you have made
  9. Judges and contest organizers can participate and have their entries scored, but they will not receive any prizes and their entries will be withheld from placement
  10. Limit one entry per person
    • This means you may only directly work on one entry, be that for assets, layout, or both
    • You may be credited on multiple maps as an asset contributor for non-bespoke assets, but on only one entry as a collaborator (a mapper or creator of bespoke assets). See the Custom Content/Collaboration Rules below for details
  11. Maps must be uploaded by July 27th, 2024, 2:00pm EDT (18:00 UTC)
  12. Bugfixes will be accepted for up to 24 hours after the deadline
    • You may request a rollback to a previously tested version if a game-breaking bug is discovered within a week of the deadline
  13. Your map must be styled for tf2
Custom Content/Collaboration Rules:
  • Max 4 collaborators on a map
    • All assets (model, texture, particle, prefab, vscript) publicly released before the start of the contest can be used freely and the creators of such content do not count as collaborators (they are “contributors” instead)
    • Any assets created and/or released more than two weeks after the start of the contest will be considered "bespoke" and the creators of said assets must be counted as collaborators
  • Only two of the collaborators on a map are allowed to work on the actual layout in Hammer. All other collaborators must be asset creators
  • You count as a collaborator on your own map
Submission Format:
  • Create a download for your map in the downloads section of the site
  • Post a link to your map's thread in the Contest Upload Thread before the July 27th, 2024, 2:00pm EDT (18:00 UTC), along with a picture of the map and a list of all cards the map fulfills
    • The Submission Thread will be posted a week before the deadline
    • You will have 24 hours after the deadline to issue emergency bugfixes
    • You may request a rollback to a previously tested version if a game-breaking bug is discovered within a week of the deadline


Maps will be scored by both a panel of judges (40% weight) and public voting (60% weight). Each map will be scored on two categories; Gameplay and Detailing. Gameplay will be worth 67% of the final score, and Detailing will be worth 33% of the final score.
  • For public voting, only ballots that have scored at least 3/4 of the maps will be valid
  • Voting will take place in two phases; an initial round to cut it down to the top 10 maps, and a finalist round
  • Exact times, dates, and specifics for the voting process will be revealed closer to the deadline Finalist voting information is now available, you can read about it here:

We are hoping to have seven Judges for this contest. If you are interested in Judging and can commit to extensively play testing and providing feedback on all entries, please contact Staff to apply to become a Judge.

JudgeKnown for
@14bitTF2Maps Senior Staff
@SonomaTF2Maps Staff, Mannsylvania
@Diva DanCreator of Brew, Hacksaw, Zombie Infection
@ErkTF2Maps Staff
@DefconCreator of Cascade, Altitude, Phoenix, and more!
@ScarlettValkrieLead comp tester for Sunshine
@Yacan1Major art/env director/designer for Cursed Cove; cp_coney

The 5th judge, @Kaia, Judge of Back To Basics and co-creator of Yanqing, has had to step down due to health reasons. Please wish her a speedy recovery as she passes the torch to Defcon.


All collaborators will receive one of each prize listed, except for the TF2maps Terraformer for First Place (we only have one to pass around). If you have chosen to opt-out of giving us the rights to create a card based on your entry, you will still receive all other prizes.

First Place:
  • A Mapper's Medallion (should you not already have one)
  • The TF2maps Terraformer (A Collector's Homewrecker that is passed to the most recent winner of a Major Contest, currently held by Defcon)
    • You will get to keep it until the next Major Contest has a winner declared, after which you must pass it to the new winner
  • The likeness of your entry added to the Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck card set
  • A Special Edition deck of Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck cards, featuring exclusive foil variants of the three winning maps

Second Place:
  • A Mapper's Medallion (should you not already have one)
  • The likeness of your entry added to the Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck card set
  • A Special Edition deck of Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck cards, featuring exclusive foil variants of the three winning maps

Third Place:
  • A Mapper's Medallion (should you not already have one)
  • The likeness of your entry added to the Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck card set
  • A Special Edition deck of Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck cards, featuring exclusive foil variants of the three winning maps

4th-10th Place:
  • The likeness of your entry added to the Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck card set
  • A $3 discount code for purchasing a copy of the Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck cards

Gameplay Card back​
Detailing Card back​
Map Card back​

More information about the real-life cards will be shared at a later date, near or after voting has been completed.


Want to pick your cards randomly? @Fault in Maps made a way to do so! Check them out here: - Gameplay - Detailing

Want to use the cards in you map? @Brokkhouse has turned them into overlays! Check them out here:

Good Luck Everyone!
Last edited by a moderator:


I like foxes
Jul 20, 2016
So thaaaats what you needed the hammer icons for, this is super cute


Still trying to add
Nov 25, 2013
Was a lot of work, but was fun. I'll be posting my masterwork meme later...


I'm sorry Mario, your logic is in another instance
Server Staff
Oct 9, 2021
Hey y'all, made a thing for you to use!


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Updated the wording on the rules about collaboration to make it clear that you count as a collaborator on your own map.

You cannot make bespoke assets for one entry and also do layout work on a different entry; that would be breaking contest rule 10: limit one entry per person, as you would be listed as collaborators on multiple entries.


Still trying to add
Nov 25, 2013
Updated the wording of the scoring. It used to say "Gameplay and Visuals", and now says what is correct, "Gameplay and Detailing".


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Due to our servers being down for a week back in April (due to the 64-bit update), we've decided to extend the deadline by one week to July 27th. The thread and the countdown has been updated to reflect this!


Still trying to add
Nov 25, 2013
Due to the week extension as well as wanting to ensure we set everything up properly (including test prints), the estimate for IRL-deck availability has been moved later by 3 months (mid-to-late October) and the post has been edited accordingly. We know this is a while and we wish it weren't so, but it's a print-on-demand service.


Still trying to add
Nov 25, 2013
Updated the post to reflect the change of judge. Here is Kaia's bowing-out message:

Hi all, Just wanted to give a notice that I'm stepping down from judging for the contest due to some health limitations I'll be having in the foreseeable short-term future. It's been a pleasure hosting all the playtests and I hope I'm still able to do an A1 contest gameday after voting wraps up. It sounds like I'll be passing the torch to Defcon. Best of luck to all of you in the running! There's some outstanding stuff submitted — even those who didn't make it to the finish line. I expect to see some of these maps in the future!


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
VIP Bassifondi has been disqualified for failing to complete the required 4 Gameplay Cards. The claimed Gameplay Card #10 (two objectives within 1024hu of each other) is not met by the map; the closest two objectives are 1116.48hu measured both linearly and on the closest individual axis (1088 on the X axis).

This was previously mentioned on the Discord when voting opened, but was never posted here so I am doing it now!


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
After much careful consideration, discussion, and debate with the public, our Judges, contest participants, and internally among the contest planning team, we have determined the scoring system for the Finalist round of judging the Stack the Deck contest.

All scores are out of 10. Decimals are allowed. All maps will be judged based on two main categories as previously stated, Gameplay and Detailing. Gameplay is worth 67% of the final score, and Detailing is worth 33%. All public scores will be averaged and will be worth 60% of the final score. Judge scores will be averaged, and will be worth 40% of the final score.

Gameplay and Detailing each have two subcategories, each worth 50% of their main category: Overall, and Card Usage.

You can find a link to an example spreadsheet with all of the calculations here: You can create a copy of the spreadsheet to mess with inputting scores and track your thoughts.



The Overall Gameplay score is how well the map plays, out of a maximum of 10 points.
  • Is the map unique?
  • Is the map balanced?
  • Is the map fun?
The Gameplay Card Usage score is how well the claimed/valid Gameplay cards are integrated into the map, out of a maximum of 10 points. You may score every card individually and average them into a score of 10 if you wish.
  • How well are the chosen cards integrated into the map?
  • Were the chosen cards beneficial or harmful to the gameplay of the map?
  • (If applicable) Did going for more than the minimum number of cards benefit or harm the gameplay of the map?
The Overall Detailing score is how good the map looks, out of a maximum of 10 points.
  • Is the map visually interesting?
  • Is the detailing complete?
  • Does the map accomplish the art direction it is going for?
The Detailing Card Usage score is how well the claimed/valid Gameplay cards are integrated into the map, out of a maximum of 10 points. You may score every card individually and average them into a score of 10 if you wish.
  • How well are the chosen cards integrated into the map?
  • Were the chosen cards beneficial or harmful to the detailing of the map?
  • (If applicable) Did going for more than the minimum number of cards benefit or harm the detailing of the map?