CTF Arenagate

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Jul 31, 2009
Antiquity is a valve-quality map. It doesn't look like a valve map, no, but it follows the art style that valve created.

There's the difference between it and your map. This is 2012.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Okay, I checked your servers.

All of them were played at low-players count (as in less than 5 or so) except 1, and that 1 plays maps that aren't stock. So I can see where you would take feedback from there because they might think the map is wonderfully golden, and then see our feedback and think it is crap, especially when you are coming from such a "large" amount of "positive" feedback.

This does not excuse your rudeness though, we HAVE been giving you feedback and you have chosen to ignore it. Some of us too have been rude, but like grazr said, we do it because we want to help everyone make the best TF2 map they can. If you can't accept the feedback you will never learn. You need to learn basic TF2 gameplay style/mechanics/theory before you can go off and make these types of maps.

Now, it has been mentioned before, if this map was made with TF2 Artstyle/gameplay/design in mind, you probably should have thought twice about posting it here.

EDIT: And yes, I actually took the time to log onto the Poniponiponiponi server to see if it was full of bots, or people, or whatnot.
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L1: Registered
Jan 2, 2012
Okay, I checked your servers.

All of them were played at low-players count (as in less than 5 or so) except 1, and that 1 plays maps that aren't stock. So I can see where you would take feedback from there because they might think the map is wonderfully golden, and then see our feedback and think it is crap, especially when you are coming from such a "large" amount of "positive" feedback.

This does not excuse your rudeness though, we HAVE been giving you feedback and you have chosen to ignore it. Some of us too have been rude, but like grazr said, we do it because we want to help everyone make the best TF2 map they can. If you can't accept the feedback you will never learn. You need to learn basic TF2 gameplay style/mechanics/theory before you can go off and make these types of maps.

Now, it has been mentioned before, if this map was made with TF2 Artstyle/gameplay/design in mind, you probably should have thought twice about posting it here.

EDIT: And yes, I actually took the time to log onto the Poniponiponiponi server to see if it was full of bots, or people, or whatnot.

poniponiponi usually has 20-30 players on it :O

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
Yes, when I was on it had 14, but you said several servers with a large number of people, this was the only one that could have tested the map with 10+ people. And personally, if you would like feel good "this is amazing!" feedback, then you should stick with that server. We have given you criticism, feedback, with is truthful to what we have learned/know about TF2 Game theory.

My statement still stands: If you didn't intend for this to play as a TF2 Map or look like a TF2 map or make some knowledgable decisions about TF2 game mechanics, why did you post it on TF2Maps.net?

If you want to make it a more fun, balanced, and enjoyable TF2Map that uses existing TF2 Mechanics, you should listen to our advice.

EDIT: Also, antiquity is one of my favorite custom maps.


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
I'd like to point out that there's a big difference between "positive feedback" and "idle praise" and the usefulness of either of those types of comments.

Whilst a comment along the lines of "your map looks awesome" is a massive ego boost it does not help you develop and improve your map. We all want to hear "i love this map" but that is not what you need to hear. That is not real feedback.

If you really care about your map then you'll listen to people list its flaws so that you can remove them and know that your map is better and that players actually enjoy your map rather than some anonymous forum members who may or may not have played your map say "it's a good effort" and leaving it at that.
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L6: Sharp Member
Jan 29, 2008
You MIGHT be able to get away with that in GameBanana, but not here. Here we strive to make Valve-quality maps, and most of the maps that make it official HAVE, in fact, come from this forum.

For better or for worse.

(Hoodoo, I'm still looking in your direction.)


L13: Stunning Member
Sep 30, 2009
Honestly here's how you can change the map in my opinion and you've got two routes:

A) Remove pony things and make it more or less Quake-like
B(My favourite)) Replace the magma with grass, make the walls pink and replace the lava with water and change the statue in the middle to glass. It'd be beautiful.


L1: Registered
Jan 2, 2012
Honestly here's how you can change the map in my opinion and you've got two routes:

A) Remove pony things and make it more or less Quake-like
B(My favourite)) Replace the magma with grass, make the walls pink and replace the lava with water and change the statue in the middle to glass. It'd be beautiful.

hmm could mabye change some of the textures to like ruins outside and transition to grass and stuff. Don't know how I would work pink/pastels in without completely redoing all of the textures.

I don't know how to implement a glass texture on a model, but I know that alpha works on them, so I bet something is possible there, probably would look neat.

I'll still have to change the bases and flag positioning somehow. I could put the flag out in the open by the windows, and move a large healthkit into the demon mouth model, for the FC to use when holding the flag on defense. Possibly move the respawn room + cabinet to new location downstairs further so that the team must run back farther.

I thought about doing-away with the respawn room and having quake style spawn, but this would most likely be a terrible idea as people like to change classes often.


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
I don't know what are your future goals or anything but imagine you're working at a game studio, ditching the artstyle of the game you're working on only to make quake maps will get you fired. no doubts in my mind. respecting the artstyle of a game is good pratice and will make you better as a level designer in the long run. for your own sake, you should show more respect to the artstyle established for the game you're working on. else you'll never get respect from your peers. (that's how things work here)


L1: Registered
Jan 2, 2012
For a first map ever I think it's alright. I'll come back and fix it later. For now i'm completely disrespecting TF2's arstyle and making Canterlot, because I can. Already have a bunch of custom models, tons of textures, and even a few appropriately themed reskins. Much more fulfilling than pulling stock stuffs out of hammer and slathering it on some blocks.

I'll do some saxton hale, deathmatch, music spam, low gravity, and some degroot keep type capture points or whatever-the-hell-i-feel-like-at-the-moment-i-feel-like-it-at.
Sorry if you don't like ponies, haters. Deal with it.
However, if you do like cupcakes, we can accommodate you.


Jul 31, 2009
I love ponies. Just saying.

I also love this community because it accommodates people who want to make maps for fun, as well as people who strive towards making it into the game industry, such as myself.

You obviously want your map to be played, and be popular right? Otherwise you would not have posted it here. What you failed to realize is that this community is what I described above - we're a map development community and most of us strive to one day have our map bought by valve, or something similar. We are not a community of mindless people who download every custom map under the sun for possibly one, or maybe two chaotic, unbalanced games of TF2.

If you want your map to be played and be popular, make something that people will play.

We're trying to help you make something that people will play.

A few of the people who have posted in this thread HAVE had their map bought by valve, and are still making money off it. A HUGE company has offered them money for their work. They know what they're doing, and you're hurting yourself by being rude, defensive and closed.

You can continue to make maps like this and the canterlot one (Although, those models are nice), but apart from one or two servers for a little while every now and then, who will play them? What's the point of investing hours into something when people just mindlessly play on it and then get bored?

If I've come across as harsh, it's because you're not the first to do this. You're not the first to be so defensive and rude about it either, and we're TIRED of it. There's no place for maps like these here.


L1: Registered
Jan 2, 2012
I love ponies. Just saying.

I also love this community because it accommodates people who want to make maps for fun, as well as people who strive towards making it into the game industry, such as myself.

You obviously want your map to be played, and be popular right? Otherwise you would not have posted it here. What you failed to realize is that this community is what I described above - we're a map development community and most of us strive to one day have our map bought by valve, or something similar. We are not a community of mindless people who download every custom map under the sun for possibly one, or maybe two chaotic, unbalanced games of TF2.

If you want your map to be played and be popular, make something that people will play.

We're trying to help you make something that people will play.

A few of the people who have posted in this thread HAVE had their map bought by valve, and are still making money off it. A HUGE company has offered them money for their work. They know what they're doing, and you're hurting yourself by being rude, defensive and closed.

You can continue to make maps like this and the canterlot one (Although, those models are nice), but apart from one or two servers for a little while every now and then, who will play them? What's the point of investing hours into something when people just mindlessly play on it and then get bored?

If I've come across as harsh, it's because you're not the first to do this. You're not the first to be so defensive and rude about it either, and we're TIRED of it. There's no place for maps like these here.

People should not take this so seriously...
I mean really, what's the big deal? All of this stuff is just a casual hobby, it's not a job. Have fun? If you treat it as such well.. that says something I suppose. I have only a few weeks experience working with mapping software and 3d modeling software and it is joke easy to use. One would expect to find MUCH more content out there, and many more submissions, or at least interesting stuff with custom content, but it's not there.

Once I get bored of this I will probably move on to character rigging/animation or something which requires more skill. Dragging squares around by handles and clicking verts is.. well.. simple.


Jul 31, 2009
If it's so simple, go produce a valve-quality map. You can slap the big check in my face when valve buys it, too. Seriously, you can, I won't fight back. In fact, you can post pictures of you holding it all over here, and say "I told you so".

I guess I should ask what you want to get out of this. What do you want to get back from mapping?

If you're having fun, and you don't care how your map is received, then by all means, continue what you're doing.

But most of us here aim for higher things. When people don't, and act arrogant about it, like yourself, then it's a little offensive. For example, saying "It's soooooo easy" to something that many of us here have spent years perfecting? That's like saying to a martial arts master, "Anyone can swing their arms around and jump". The fact is, it's a lot more than that. And you'll probably get beaten up afterwards.


L1: Registered
Jan 2, 2012
If it's so simple, go produce a valve-quality map. You can slap the big check in my face when valve buys it, too. Seriously, you can, I won't fight back. In fact, you can post pictures of you holding it all over here, and say "I told you so".

I guess I should ask what you want to get out of this. What do you want to get back from mapping?

If you're having fun, and you don't care how your map is received, then by all means, continue what you're doing.

But most of us here aim for higher things. When people don't, and act arrogant about it, like yourself, then it's a little offensive. For example, saying "It's soooooo easy" to something that many of us here have spent years perfecting? That's like saying to a martial arts master, "Anyone can swing their arms around and jump". The fact is, it's a lot more than that. And you'll probably get beaten up afterwards.

you do realize that you get peanuts for doing their job for them right?
The steam workshop is the same thing, its all $$ to valve.


Jul 31, 2009
How is it a bad thing? Giving money to valve, who made a quality game of which has given be so many thousands of hours of entertainment?

Yeah, they can make money off my map if they want. In fact, I'd be extremely happy if they did. It means I've made something so good, people are paying for it. Surely that is a good thing?


The "raw" in "nodraw"
Jun 1, 2009
you do realize that you get peanuts for doing their job for them right?
The steam workshop is the same thing, its all $$ to valve.

it's not about the money. many mappers are here to build a portfolio and meaningful professional experiences. most people here don't care about the money, we just want to contribute to the game because we enjoy the tf2 community.

and you need to understand that there is a HUGE difference between MAKING maps and DEVELOPING maps. tf2maps is geared toward developement. if you're not going to develop maps, you might want to find an other community.
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