TF2Maps Presents: The Summer 2016 72hr TF2Jam!


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010

Its time to get jammy! Wait, that came out wrong. Lets start again.

Starts Friday 22nd July at 6PM GMT!
Time converter at

How To Enter - 48 Hours Remaining Update
We did it once – it went great – and now we’re doing it again! It’s time for the next 72hr TF2Jam! As before, make whatever you want, so long as its for TF2, and show it off to everyone. Maps, taunts, cosmetics, videos, fanfiction – it’s all good! Last time we had over a hundred entries – and this time, we’re aiming to have far more!

  • Make something for or about Team Fortress 2.
  • Do not start before 6pm GMT Friday 22nd July. Finish before 6pm GMT Monday 25th July.
    • You can plan before the Jam starts if you want, but don’t start working! (See the FAQ for more on this).
  • Before time ends, post a download for your content and tag it with the 72hrJam prefix.
    • This lets everyone see what everyone has done, and provide help and feedback.
    • If you don't do this, we can't guarantee you the rewards - like the forum medal or in-game medal.
    • You can have one thread for multiple projects if you want. You can use the "Other Resources" category to create a "download" without an uploaded file.
  • You may use publicly available resources or tools such as ABS's Mappers Resource or Fuse, but you must credit them appropriately.
    • This also applies to custom content - use it, but let everyone know where you got it from.
There are a couple of other restrictions for maps if you want them tested on our servers, but ignoring these doesn’t disqualify you from entering.

The Medal

This year Valve have very kindly allowed us an Official TF2 Medal for participants of the jam! Every entrant will get one. The medal is made by Zoey "SexyRobot" Smith, and looks like this.

If you want to get this medal you must do two things:
  • Post your entry as a forum download, and tag it with the 72hrJam prefix.
  • Connect your forum account to the SteamID for the steam account you want the medal for - it won't be tradable, so make sure it's for an active account.
  • If you have more than one collaborator on a project, PM me when you submit it. I'll need their steamID and forum details too.


How can I show a countdown clock on my stream?
Go here and check out the instructions.

Why a TF2 jam? Why not a contest? Are there prizes?

We’ve run these events as contests before, but they got way too big for us to handle properly. With a jam, we can relax and have fun a bit more. There aren’t any prizes as such, but we’ve got a few things in mind for showing off our favourite entries.

Can I enter on another day?
Yes - you can enter on whatever 72hr period you wish, though we suggest you do so before the normal contest time. Simply post the dates/times you wish to enter in this thread, and i'll make a list.

We can't promise to provide the same amount of support for people entering outside the normal time, but we'll do our best.

Can I collaborate with someone else?
Yes! Make sure to credit everybody involved when you make your upload though.

Do I need to be a TF2Maps member to join?
Nope! Or, well, sort of. You’ll need to join the site to upload your entry, but this is open to everybody, even those who’ve never been here before.

What can I do before the jam starts?
This depends on what it is you want to do with the jam. Do you want to go from a completely blank slate to a finished project, or meticulously plan every detail before opening your chosen tool? Either is fine.

What we don't want people doing is continuing with half-finished or already-in-development projects. The jam is a great time to flex your creative muscles and try something new.

What if I don’t want to abide by all these cruel and restrictive rules?
That’s cool. We’re not fussed. We’re glad you’re joining us! However, please let us know if you’re doing that – its not fair to other people if some get to start earlier, say.

Can I get feedback on my project?
Yes! We'll be running regular impromptu tests for maps over the week, (including servers for MVM maps,) and we'll do our best to help with other things. Be sure to join us in our steam chat for the fastest possible feedback and discussion.

I want someone to collaborate with me!
This isn't a question. However: post in the thread you're in right now, and maybe someone will offer to join you. (It usually helps your chances to say both what you're good at and what ideas you already have.)

What are these extra rules for testing maps?
  • Don't use special characters or capital letters in your filename.
  • Maps must be able to spawn at least 24 players (12 per team).
  • Include some lighting - no fullbright maps.
  • If your map requires point_servercommands to be active, then contact an admin before running it. We reserve the right to refuse any map like this.
We will be running a separate server for MVM maps. Speak to a admin to have your map tested on this.

If you want to join other people participating to chat we have a steam chat (always busy) and a mumble at, port 64738 (usually quite empty outside the jam time). Join our steam group to get notifications about tests.

Feel free to post and update your entry at any time during the event - and make sure to drop in to other people's threads and share kind thoughts and constructive criticism. We also love people streaming: if you're planning on streaming your efforts, post a link to your livestream here. Don't post things on the steam group main page, though: we don't check it very often.


That's everything! Remember, this time is all about creativity, collaboration, and community. Do something new and different, do it together, and help other people. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here or in our steam chat, or PM me directly!
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Jan 6, 2008
Good things about this: It starts on the Best Day, my birthday.

Bad things about this: I will be engulfed in an absolute packing/moving hell as I prepare to move across the country with all my belongings, so I won't get to take part. :(

Not that I ever take part in contests or jams anyway


L1: Registered
Apr 25, 2015
No time for mapping, messing with Rasp Pi / Arduino, but I'll watch as you all slowly lose your minds.


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
Something something

What, did you really think there was going to be something in here?


L10: Glamorous Member
Mar 17, 2015
(I'm entering this to do it)

(also pardon my French)


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 12, 2015
Yay,more jams! \o/

Thank god I'm not going to join at all. I can barely work on MY map for a whole week and a half,I'm going to make an "almost-perfect A1" map in less than 3 days.

HA. Keep dreaming,God... Keep dreaming... ;·)