Major Mapping Contest #12: Dynamic CP


L1: Registered
Sep 1, 2015
i am kind of new to this sorta mapping thing, but i have been practicing for a while. i may consider entering this contest not to particularly win but to sharpen my skills so that i may win another competition. as i said, i am knew to this thing and tf2 so can somebody tell me how to enter this?


Jul 31, 2009
Make a map over the next few months. Then post it in the upload thread closer to the deadline following the format required. That's it.


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
Not sure whether or not to make a map for this (exempt from voting of course)


Basically? Kind of a Huge Mess
Mar 6, 2013
Yeah, Its not specified but im sure 3 wouldnt be a problem since only 1 person can work on the map at a time. So collab if its allowed?
I'd like to, but you already have two other people working with you, and I'd like to avoid communication issues.
BUT I will still join y'all if no one else is looking for a partner. :D ;)
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Adobe WH

L1: Registered
Jul 28, 2015
I'd be fine with collaborating with anyone.
Any idea that you think will be terrible, can be improved and balanced.

I just wanna have fun and get better. If I can do that while helping you, Fuck yeah!

I REALLY wanna be in this competition, but I don't wanna do this alone.
  • I can get many ideas at one time, and am really good at "mechanical" parts of hammer
  • But that is not to say I wont use hammer. I'm pretty decent with it.
  • I will instantly get on an idea that involves moving shit. (as dumb as it sounds)
  • This is a competition where we have almost 3 months to do this. We could do something amazing.
About Me. (oh boooy)
  • I'm Wonderful at ec-Hammer design. (I can sent you pictures of my papers.)
  • I am a loser with no fucking friends, so my life wont get in the way of projects.
  • I am a 13 freshman who wants to map for tf2.
  • I want to get my collaboration reputation (heh) started. I wanna be known for collabing.
  • I'm a maniac. I kinda have that going for me. (You'll see it more and more)
  • A few people (internet) don't like me because I say many things that sound mean and accusing, but It's really just joking.

And to really express how much i want this to happen, I've spent almost an hour writing this post.
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Mar 30, 2014
Apologies mate, but I've decided to work on my own for this since posting that post.

I have SO many ideas, and am really good at the "coding" part of hammer

Just a fair warning, in the content creation sector of society (especially indie game development) there are a way too many idea guys/designers compared to people who can actually do stuff. And that is compounded by the people who can do stuff also have ideas of their own.

Instead of looking for someone who can make your ideas a reality, use the contest as an opportunity to make your ideas a reality.

There is plenty of time to learn the basics of hammer (especially with crash's new tutorials) . And while this contest does require a dynamic element, it doesn't have to be the next koth_wubwubwub in terms of technical complexity.

As for collaborating, your much more likely to get a positive response if you are able to pull your own weight in a project, because creating the idea/design for a map, is way less work than actually building and detailing it.

Adobe WH

L1: Registered
Jul 28, 2015
Apologies mate, but I've decided to work on my own for this since posting that post.

Alrightey. :)

Instead of looking for someone who can make your ideas a reality, use the contest as an opportunity to make your ideas a reality.

As for collaborating, your much more likely to get a positive response if you are able to pull your own weight in a project, because creating the idea/design for a map, is way less work than actually building and detailing it.

I wasn't saying I wont use hammer. I am good with it, and really like it.
I was saying that if an idea crashed two months in, I could get another in a practical timespan.
I can pull my own weight, not my craziness though.
I am also alright at detailing.

There is plenty of time to learn the basics of hammer (especially with crash's new tutorials) . And while this contest does require a dynamic element, it doesn't have to be the next koth_wubwubwub in terms of technical complexity.

Not trying to be cocky, but I'm not a beginner. I've watched every tutorial and have it down.
And I dont think I said it has to be "the next koth_wubwubwub in terms of technical complexity."
I just meant that two lowly mappers could really make something unique in a contest that doesnt have 72hr. in the title.

Sorry if this replay was in a ranty way.
Tbh tho your post kinda sounded a little bit shit-talking-ly
Not mad tho, No Hard Feelings. :D
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Distinction in Applied Carving
Feb 22, 2014
Just a bit of advice - if you're looking for a collab, especially among a ton of people who don't really know you, it would do you good to provide examples of your work. Think of it as a portfolio for a job application - you want to show potential collab partners what you can do if you hope to get any interest.

Not trying to be cocky, but I'm not a beginner
Adobe WH said:
Occupation: Mapping Beginner



Mar 30, 2014
Sorry if that sounded harsh, it appears I have made too many assumptions.
Maybe after you bump into the stereotypical "designer" type of person a few times you will become old and bitter just like me :3

On a side note, is there any way to make the forum not convert a : D face into :D (besides putting a space in it)


L1: Registered
Nov 27, 2012
maybe try escaping it with a backslash?

edit: nvm

OT: I'd be down to collab with someone. I've got a few ideas bouncing around, and plenty of free time coming up.


nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
I decided just to not include any Dynamic elements for my map's A1. I don't have much experience with them and I feel that I will be wasting time trying to fight things I don't have a good weapon for. I'll keep messing around, but I'm going to release a version so that kids can start playtesting now, and I end up with a decent map to throw gimmicks into. I know the Dynamic elements will change how the map plays when I do get it in, but I might as well release. I have a finished A1 right now.

So, how are you kids going on so far, got any maps cooking up?


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
Lots of people are asking for someone to collaborate with here and, you can enter without, you know? It seems like a massive downside to be working on your own, but I promise it really isn't when you get down to it. Just start work, get your own ideas down on paper or in hammer, rather than worrying about collecting someone else to work with.