Water Texture Library

Water Texture Library V3

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Water Texture Library V3

A library of official and community water textures.

A library of official and community-created water textures to help map developers compare and choose which one to use in their map. The main room has various labeled portals, and entering a portal takes you to the room which contains a volume of the chosen water texture. Each room has a label sitting above the water so you can remember exactly which texture you're looking at and can find it in Hammer's texture browser. Note that this is meant for singleplayer use- playing with multiple players may cause weird bugs with the labels.

Water Credits and Sources:
-Official water textures created by Valve
-Sekhmet Water Textures created by EArkham
-Maritime Emerald water textures from the BulletCrops Project
-Powerup water textures created by Tumby
-Oasis water texture created by Freyja
-Minecraft water texture created by Mojang, ported to Source by eNnerGy
These textures are property of their creators and I do not take credit for them. Please give credit to the texture's actual creator if you use a custom water texture.
If anyone would like to see their custom water texture added, let me know!

Other Credits:
-Watergate Greenboard texture created by Nassimo
-Kyzer's DevTex textures created by Kyzer

v3 (4).jpg v3 (5).jpg v3 (1).jpg v3 (2).jpg v3 (3).jpg
(Screenshots were last updated in V3)
Da Spud Lord
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Latest updates

  1. Version 3: lARGE wATER

    I made all the rooms bigger. Like, a fuckton bigger. Also some other stuff idk. Also also, instances are raw proof that God is real and benevolent. -Rebuilt the entire map from the ground up -Added a "Previous Water" feature: Each room contains...
  2. Version 2a

    -Fixed the portal label for sawmill reading "dest_sawmill" -Fixed the swamp and murky rooms displaying the wrong name on the HUD -Fixed a typo in the powerup room HUD label -Optimization Download this version
  3. Version 2: Jungle Update

    This update includes the new water textures added in the Jungle Inferno update, some community-created water textures, and also just general improvements and enhancements. -Added new island water textures that were added in the Jungle Inferno...

Latest reviews

Now i can copy and past this into my maps. Thanks :)