This has worked for plenty of people in this thread so I suggest you read it completely.
Everybody has experienced how FPS are going down the drain recently with TF2, however I believe I've found one of the sources (I'm pretty sure there many others) and found a way to fix it, so enough with the rambling I'm going straight to the point:
The folder:
C:\Program Files\Steam\appcache\stats
Contains a file called:
UserGameStats_####_#### (# = some numbers)
This file keeps records of god knows what about TF2, and it gets updated
EXTREMELY frequently while playing.
The problem is that, most of us run high quality Anti-virus programs and they tend to scan all files that get updated in the system, and a lot of them tend to do so the instant it happens, clogging up the processor and making our FPSs die.
Apparently, having a multicore processor and fast hard drives (or a RAID 0 config) makes this even worse.
- Open up your Anti-virus program
- Go to the settings menu
- Select Exceptions/Exclusions
- Add the following folder to the scan exceptions
C:\Program Files\Steam\appcache\stats
Reboot if your Anti-virus needs to and enjoy a smooth game of TF2
How to fix, Visually (pictures are easy):
NOTE: User who have performed this action have been reporting frame-rate gains or stability in other STEAM games, while it seems very plausible I have not tested it myself.
Go now! do it! (rep welcome