Valve Acceptance vs. Community Acceptance


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
Acheivement_idle and 2fort_cloudy_with_scattered_showers or whatever will get a lot of attention at first- but do they have a fanbase? More people may be playing Acheivement_idle than, say, cashworks, but can you imagine any of them posting a screenshot from it every week, or sending valve an email to get it officialised?

Fish 2.0

L6: Sharp Member
Nov 22, 2012
Acheivement_idle and 2fort_cloudy_with_scattered_showers or whatever will get a lot of attention at first- but do they have a fanbase? More people may be playing Acheivement_idle than, say, cashworks, but can you imagine any of them posting a screenshot from it every week, or sending valve an email to get it officialised?

No, but they still play it and that's the issue. I guess we could kinda compare it to the Portal 2 workshop. Now I know they are completely different was tf2 maps implemented into it, but good portal maps take limelight for about long as the bad ones do.

I think it would be an interesting thing to have as an alpha or beta. Just run it for a few months. See what people submit, see how the community reacts. Have downloads so people can put it in their own servers and play it.

I really can't even make a solid guess as to what might happen because... it's TF2. People in this community are so unpredictable with that they like.


L2: Junior Member
Dec 12, 2012
That list is made with maps which aesthetics are cool, at least inmy opinion. I have only played pl_cashworks, as i cannot find any of them in any server. maybe we shall make a community gameday to play the best community non-official maps, not just a testing gameday?

PS: fixed hella, i thought i saw it was triangular somewhere... seeking frostfall.


L2: Junior Member
Dec 12, 2012
as i said on the previous post, that list is about maps with awesome aesthetics, ffrom what i can tell from the images. I only played a round of cashworks with another 2 guys, to fly around. So i'm not saying they got a good gameplay. And that leads me to suggest a playing (not testing) gameday. :/ exactly what i said.

Thx for the link and i'll look at evergreen.

Jun 17, 2010
Which community maps do you feel have been overlooked?

This comes a little late but if the powers at be do not know which maps have not been getting the attention they deserve, it's time to dig in to servers that run the maps for more than couple of hours, instead of randomly peeking once in six months for some map to eye on and take on.

A good place to start is Showcase and a good tool to see which maps are played and how many servers is map search.

This was also intentional liftoff for this topic.