
CP Valdez a12


L6: Sharp Member
Jun 8, 2009
Looks great. Good job.


L3: Member
Jun 19, 2011
A6 of CP_Blizzard is out! Changes include paint squares at the locations of health and ammo pickups, the area around CP 2 and 4 is much more interesting, and some more! Download Here!


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
I wasn't able to pug your map, but I went over it with some people and these are some things we thought you might want to change. Most of these screens are from a6, but the criticism still generally applies to a7. Oh, there's like no order to these and I'm not really going to try and make one since it's pretty late.


These crates are like the bane of my existence, they look like you should be able to jump on them, but try all you want, you usually can't do it. Can you sink one into the ground a little, or raise the ground a bit so that you can jump onto it and then access that upper area as a medic?


The entrances to last are way too close together, it's way too easy to watch both and most likely control them completely.


Can you add some crate or something to middle to allow a non triple jumping scout to get on top of these metal sheets?




These sightlines on mid are really ridiculous. For the second one, you could just make that a hallway and completely remove it, for the third, you could put some metal sheets on the front of the roof to obstruct the view. Idk anything easy you could do for the first. You'd probably have to rearrange mid quite a bit to get rid of it. The first two spots also let you rotate between each place really easily too, so it'd be pretty hard to spam a sniper there. There's also too much ammo and health by both these places, would make camping way too effective.


This spot would make a roamer a nightmare on last. He could sit up there and rotate quickly to either door based on what his team calls and just destroy anything that isn't ubered.


I liked a6's last a lot more than that of a7, it's much more interesting. I think you should make the sort of house over the point similar to Gravelpit B in that there's a hole in the roof that you could spam the point thru. That would allow for a dynamic fight for roof control when pushing last, I think it would make for pretty interesting game play, maybe.


This hallway behind 2 is really useless, I would either get rid of it or throw a pill in here or something.


I don't like 2, it's really boring and has sightlines that seem really abusable. I think you might want to raise the point to the level that the satellite dish is at now and raise the satellite dish and the surrounding buildings accordingly to accommodate such a change. Raising the point would give the defenders a bit more fair ground since, the way it is now, the attackers can go upper left and automatically have height on the defense, if the point were raised, at least both teams would be eye to eye, so to speak. Height also has the benefit of just being interesting, both in the sense of visuals and gameplay, or at least I think so, anyway.


Scorpio thought that this fence should probably be solid since you get a lot of information while standing behind it without having to risk much. I also don't really like fences like this because at a distance, it can sometimes be difficult to tell whether a players is behind it or in front of it, or if the fence is even there, for that mattter.


We thought you should add a ramp or some boxes you could jump up where the blast mark is in this picture, since, if you're a medic and you fall in the pit, you're kind of screwed since it takes so long to get out again. Another way back to the point would also just be nice since, the way it is, it seems like that lower area would just be a death trap and having multiple ways to take to get out would probably aide players' survivability.

People also felt the distance from spawn to the last point was much to large. Idk if you have spawn times set up to counter that or not, though.
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L3: Member
Jun 19, 2011
These sightlines on mid are really ridiculous. For the second one, you could just make that a hallway and completely remove it, for the third, you could put some metal sheets on the front of the roof to obstruct the view. Idk anything easy you could do for the first. You'd probably have to rearrange mid quite a bit to get rid of it. The first two spots also let you rotate between each place really easily too, so it'd be pretty hard to spam a sniper there. There's also too much ammo and health by both these places, would make camping way too effective.
I was worrying about the sightlines as well, wasnt sure if they were too long or not. I am thinking on making that area a building to counter this. That building should nullify the fence problem as well
I don't like 2, it's really boring and has sightlines that seem really abusable. I think you might want to raise the point to the level that the satellite dish is at now and raise the satellite dish and the surrounding buildings accordingly to accommodate such a change. Raising the point would give the defenders a bit more fair ground since, the way it is now, the attackers can go upper left and automatically have height on the defense, if the point were raised, at least both teams would be eye to eye, so to speak. Height also has the benefit of just being interesting, both in the sense of visuals and gameplay, or at least I think so, anyway.
Would moving the dish to a different location, adding a place up at the top, with stairs from the inside of one building, and also taking away the attacker height on the far left, fix this?
The entrances to last are way too close together, it's way too easy to watch both and most likely control them completely.
I might add an entrance on either the left or the right side.
People also felt the distance from spawn to the last point was much to large. Idk if you have spawn times set up to counter that or not, though.
Do you mean from the center spawn rooms? Because in A7 I moved those spawn points up a bit.
On a side note, it may be awhile until i edit the map, because I will be on vacation for the next week, so i wouldnt play the map in your pugs until I release a new version, with (hopefully) most of these errors fixed.
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L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
Would moving the dish to a different location, adding a place up at the top, with stairs from the inside of one building, and also taking away the attacker height on the far left, fix this?

Maybe, I'm having a hard time visualizing it atm, though. I just think the point is really bland atm and needs something to make it more interesting. I think height variation is the easiest way to do that, but that might just be the comp love affair with spire :p

Do you mean from the center spawn rooms? Because in A7 I moved those spawn points up a bit.

I mean the spawn at 1/5. You spawn pretty far back in that room and then have to go left or right through a pretty long hallway and then you still have a ways to go to actually get to the point once you exit the spawn room proper.


L3: Member
Jun 19, 2011
I liked a6's last a lot more than that of a7, it's much more interesting. I think you should make the sort of house over the point similar to Gravelpit B in that there's a hole in the roof that you could spam the point thru. That would allow for a dynamic fight for roof control when pushing last, I think it would make for pretty interesting game play, maybe.
I like the roof idea, I will probably implement that! For the next version, I will likely make the point similar to a6 and a7 s final point, combined. Probably looking a bit more like a6, but more in the area of a7.
Maybe, I'm having a hard time visualizing it atm, though. I just think the point is really bland atm and needs something to make it more interesting. I think height variation is the easiest way to do that, but that might just be the comp love affair with spire
I think if I make the point higher, the snow area in front of the point will become sort of a death trap. Also, I might add stairs in one of the buildings for the defenders to access the roof easily.
I mean the spawn at 1/5. You spawn pretty far back in that room and then have to go left or right through a pretty long hallway and then you still have a ways to go to actually get to the point once you exit the spawn room proper.
I already had plans to change that spawn room, I just haven't got around to changing it yet.


L3: Member
Jun 19, 2011
After a bit, I have finally made A8! Most of the problems from previous versions, like a huge LOS at the center, easily getting lost, and not very defender friendly, should be fixed! Also, the name has been changed from Blizzard to Frosty! Download!

Have fun!


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Also, the name has been changed from Blizzard to Frosty!

So, instead of just preventing anyone else from using one name for their map, you're now preventing them from using two? Classy. :thumbdown:


L3: Member
Jun 19, 2011
So, instead of just preventing anyone else from using one name for their map, you're now preventing them from using two? Classy. :thumbdown:
Well, actually, I changed the name because I decided I don't really want an actual virtual blizzard in the map, I just didn't think it will look as good with a blizzard, so I changed it to Frosty to avoid confusion from people expecting a blizzard. If anyone wants to use the Blizzard as their map name, they can feel free to take the name!


L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
A8a crashed my server. I then tried to load it on a local server, and it crashed TF2 :/


L3: Member
Jun 19, 2011
A8a crashed my server. I then tried to load it on a local server, and it crashed TF2 :/
0.o Really? How'd that happen??? Weird, I'll try It tomorrow on my dads computer and see if it works. Sorry about that :(. Has this happened to anyone else?


L3: Member
Jun 19, 2011
I just extracted your map up, you packed a navmesh, this will cause people's computer to crash. You don't need to pack that (ever)
Ah. Ok. I wasnt aware of that. Im definitely not making that mistake again! Thanks!
Edit: It should be fixed now!
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L5: Dapper Member
Feb 25, 2011
I think you might want to add a pill here to make roll outs a bit easier. With a pill there, you could probably have a decent gunboat rollout on the left.

I think this sightline is just too powerful. A sniper up here would be a nightmare in 6s. I don't even want to think of a Wrangler engie up here in a pub. The easiest way I can think of to fix it, is just throw up some metal sheets or a fence to block it. I suppose you could try raising mid, but that would probably be difficult to do and might not look the best.

Again, this sightline is really powerful, you can cover almost every entrance from here.

I think you should put a wall or crate or something in this spot to add some cover so you can hold on the left a little easier.

You can get stuck in this hole between the crates and the wall, it's on both sides of the map and was rather annoying.

Overall, I think you need to fix the sightlines a bit, as a sniper is going to be way too powerful on most of the map. Some crates or fences in the proper places would probably solve most of them and make for some interesting geometry, as well.


L3: Member
Jun 19, 2011
Thanks for the feedback waxpax. I added the pill, fixed the clipping issue, and broke up the two sightlines mentioned. For the one on the center, i still wanted Soldiers and Demoman to jump onto it, and I didnt want to just make it inside, so I put a see through fence in the way. It should work pretty well. Its in A8b, which can be downloaded here.