After a liiiiitle bit of testing,I found STUFF!
First of all,it's an A1,and you already did a shit ton of working (aka "detailing",displacements,etc). It's pointless. Sort of.
In alpha your map is going to change. A LOT. Like,maybe add a route here,or remove this other route,or edit a current route (Trust me,your map is going to change a lot too.),and it's a real pain to just do all that when you've done 5H of work detailing/making displacements/making it look awesome.
Now,for the little "gameplay" I just did:
- RED texture on BLU spawn.
ALSO,both spawns looks way too cramped. Maybe expand them,and MAYBE. JUST MAYBE. Add a third exit?
Sniper sightness-ish-whateverthemappersknowswhatimtalkingabout.
You basically can snipe the enemy's spawn from these positions (Maybe even snipe from the spawn itself?),and that's a bad thing.
Yes,you've done a second exit,but it should be used when they're getting a big spawncamping... Like,5 meters away from the door. Not 5000. (You get the idea)
Also,the point itself is really small. And the ammo-health on the corners (ALL the corners) are,well... Way too much into the corner zone. :V
These big wooden fences are not playerclipped. I noticed you ACTUALLY playerclipped a little bit (I think where the medium health is,under that "sniper-camping-stuff". People could get stuck there while running away,and well... get killed.
And THIS. Is REALLY pointless. Yes,it's a full health pack,but STILL,WHY should I just crouch myself into it? I could just get back to spawn. It's faster and more safe than THAT. People are going to die there. A LOT.
Sooooo yeah. That's it. I think. I just did a 5min gameplay. Nothing fancy,just "quick stuff". Maybe someone can give you a better/more detailed feedback.
It has potencial,yes. But you should work more on the map. MOAR I SAID! (ง︡'-'︠)ง