Thinking about making a deathrun map based on asdfmovie


L1: Registered
Jan 20, 2014
Hey there. I want to try making a deathrun map based on TomSka's asdfmovie series, but I'll need some help planning a sketch for the said map, including which traps I should use and which asdfmovie joke I should use for each trap.

Note: To get an idea for the asdfmovie deathrun map itself, I'd consider watching all of the asdfmovie videos released so far.


L1: Registered
Jan 20, 2014
Current asdfmovie Deathrun Map Trap Ideas
Mine Turtle
Taco Tuesday (Either as a trap or as the motivator)
I Like Trains
The Sentence is Death
The 80s Called
Pie-Flavored Pie
Chase Me Suzie Car Accident
Alien Attack (possibly as a joke trap with the "Throw the Cheese!" voiceline)

(Will add more to the list anytime a trap idea for this deathrun map is suggested)
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L1: Registered
Jan 20, 2014
Also, for the countdown audio leading up to the start of each round on this map, I want to use audio from the asdfmovie11 skit titled, "Ahhh," where a five-second countdown leads to a button being pressed and the button itself making a "moaning" sound when pressed.


L1: Registered
Jan 20, 2014
I'm also thinking about having the "Round Loss" audio for this map feature the "You Fail." voice line from the asdfmovie6 skit, "Standing-Up School," followed by the original TF2 Round Fail theme playing after it. The "Round Win" audio for this map will feature the "You Win!" voice line from the "It's Muffin Time" video, followed by the TF2 Round Win theme playing after it. The "Round Stalemate" audio will feature the "You're an idiot!" voice line from the conveniently titled asdfmovie13 skit "You're an Idiot," followed by the TF2 Stalemate/Sudden Death audio playing after it.
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