I've got to say I'm liking this, the snow theme still looks damn pretty...
And that's on top of my joy at being able to play Nucleus and Sawmill and not have them suck
I just have one question: Do New Zealanders actually hate you guys?
I'll field that:
Only publicly really, specifically when it involves sports.
Because the NZ media (namely the news) sees the country as a nation of sheep farming rugby players who must therefore clearly hate everything on the other side of the Tasman (I'm not kidding, the sports reporters actually take shots at them).
God I hate the news... But it wasn't always that way - I wanted to be in the news once, but they said I was too Australian...bloody Aussies, ruining my chances at TV stardom...
Then I had woke up and realized I hadn't actually gotten a degree in journalism, started wearing beanies in summer or grown a completely different accent and the entire thing was fictional.
But was it?
Yes. Yes it was.
I'm never playing Zeno Clash at 1am again. That game is an electronic drug trip.
But I should try making a map for it...
Yeah I should have just hit post a few sentences ago.