TF2 9v9 Highlander Team Recruiting UpperMoon (UM)

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L1: Registered
Jun 25, 2012
Our 9 v 9 team will be well thought out. We are a new clan called UpperMoon. We will participate in the highlander ugc league. We also hold tryouts at our clan server.Currently we the slots that are left open are.
2 Scout
2 Solider
1 Pyro
1 Demo
2 Heavy
2 Engineer
2 Medics
1 Sniper
2 Spy
We would really want experienced and good players to tryout....but anyone has the right to tryout.Please write a description of how you are better than other players. Leave your steam profile link
We are NA based
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|TG| Bender

L1: Registered
Sep 2, 2012
Name: \TG/ Bender

Steam Community URL:

Experience: Fimilliar with UGC Whitelist + Stopwatch mode. Have played in Pub vs Pub, and 3 maps in a TrashedGamers Boys vs Girls competition (which has been live-streamed & commentated online)

Time Zone and Availability: EST. I can usually play 7-11 on weekdays, anytime on weekends

Any additional information: I'm looking forward to playing in UGC's upcoming Season 8. I'm usually an aggressive Medic (going in for ubersaw stabs,) but I know I must calm down and stay alive in HL matches thought the season. I also try to keep everyone up, which involves ubering more than one teammate at the same time.

I have screenshoted some of my end-of-the-round scoreboards, so feel free to browse around that.

I consider my home servers to be in TrashedGamers, for I am well acquainted with the regulars there. Many regulars in the community consist of people already and continuing in UGC matches so I get to train and progress my Medic skills through them.
Here are my server stats:

With that being said, thank you for taking the time to read this post. If there are any questions, feedback, constructive criticism, hatemail, spam, invites, I look forward to talking to you in the near future.


L1: Registered
Jan 11, 2013
Steam Name: 420CanadianCannabis..

Community URL:

Past Experience: I've owned this game for 4 years or more and I've never gotten around to playing competitively, But now I feel like it would be a fun opportunity to go on vent with some dudes and play some competitive serious gaming!

My Position: I would say my best class is sniper and I hope to be able to pick off dudes on the other team and jarate em and slash em up :O

Send me a message on steam if interested, I'll pretty much always be on.


Jun 9, 2009
Why do people keep posting in these, holy shit.
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