Text Decals

Overlay Text Decals 4.0


L1: Registered
Nov 23, 2021
Hweepo submitted a new resource:

Text Decals - Decals of lotsa characters to create arbitrary text, in (eventually) numerous fonts!

A buncha decals to let you create arbitrary text. First font is Big Noodle Titling, an all-caps monospaced font used in certain Mann vs. Machine signs.
I plan to add the following fonts:

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L1: Registered
Nov 23, 2021
Hweepo updated Text Decals with a new update entry:

Not a New Font (Yet)

so, when I came up with this a couple months ago, I wanted to have it be all one texture, which necessitated that the dimensions be a power of 2. this forced me to pick and choose which characters to include.
today, however, I realized that, since I'm using separate textures now, I'm free to include whatever characters I want. this isn't another font, but it is an expansion to the Big Noodle Titling pack.
here's a bit of a more in-depth explanation to complement that:
  • for most...

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L1: Registered
Nov 23, 2021
Hweepo updated Text Decals with a new update entry:

Font 2: TF2 Build

Added a second font. This one is TF2 Build, the font used by Engie's PDAs. I was planning on massively cutting down on file size by switching to a cheaper format (since the materials are black-and-white), but that didn't end up working out.
TF2 Build has Ò as O`_tf2Build, because Ò is in the name of a TF2 weapon (the Claidheamh Mòr). It wasn't in Big Noodle Titling because you can just mirror Ó, but TF2 Build's O's are asymmetrical.

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L1: Registered
Nov 23, 2021
Hweepo updated Text Decals with a new update entry:

Fonts 3 & 4: Sans Serif and Serif

I don't think "Sans Serif" and "Serif" are the names of any actual font, but GIMP seems to treat them like they are. this should be the ultimate in bland-ness.

a couple characters have been removed from Big Noodle Titling and TF2 Build, since I realized those characters weren't present in those fonts and GIMP was just defaulting to Sans Serif. Big Noodle has lost the tilde, and TF2 Build has lost its smart quotes.

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L1: Registered
Nov 23, 2021
Hweepo updated Text Decals with a new update entry:

Fonts 5 & 6: OCR-A Extended and Monospace

added OCR-A Extended (/OCR/*_OCR) and whatever default monospaced font GIMP uses (/Monospace/*_mono).
also created left and right smart quotes for the fonts that had them, since I noticed they weren't actually 180° rotations of each other. these are now sqt-l and sqt-r, respectively.
I do not know why the Monospace capital eszett looks so weird. maybe it wasn't encoded, so since it was already...

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