
KotH Tasmania Alpha 4


L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

Alpha 16 released

- Person being quoted


Alpha 16 is here!


The map is more exposed to the skybox, to take advantage of this I moved the Sun closer to the sea again.

Optimized general brushwork yet again

Spawnrooms have been lightly decorated and slightly reshaped
Your feedback did not fall to deaf ears: I'm planning on how to introduce a diagonal spawnroom to redirect players into the point, do not worry.

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L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

Alpha 17 released

"After 9 years 1 day in development hopefully it would have been worth the wait"
- GabeN spruce, on Tasmania A17


Ready? here it comes!

Optimized brushwork, again.


Fixed insane sightline from right flank to spawnrooms.

Ramp inside room to capture point's balcony ratio adjusted from 1:1 to 1:2 so it's less steep...

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Undercover Fish

L1: Registered
Nov 16, 2014
Going off my memory from an IMP maptest; You've got a pretty solid KOTH layout here. I haven't played every class enough on it to fully judge, but the one thing I love is that every side-room is very interesting to throw down in. The tiny little elevation changes make for avoiding the boring-ness of something like Harvest. The alternating one-way drops next to the point also gave some really interesting opportunities for everybody, but I found that Heavy especially enjoyed them. He could make up for his movement speed by jumping down from it and stuffing anybody using that flank.

My main issue is with that drop-down though. I think you should extend the cover (fences) up all the way to the roof, and maybe make it opaque. As Scout, I could repeatedly double-jump above it and take bites out of a poor engineer and his buildings below, and he had no recourse. In fact, the only real counter to that would be Demoman's arcing projectiles. In general, it feels kind of exposed, and if somebody's coming from it, it's obvious from half the area, nullifying the surprise. That might be on purpose though, which I get. It has the potential to be quite strong as-is.


L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
Going off my memory from an IMP maptest; You've got a pretty solid KOTH layout here. I haven't played every class enough on it to fully judge, but the one thing I love is that every side-room is very interesting to throw down in. The tiny little elevation changes make for avoiding the boring-ness of something like Harvest. The alternating one-way drops next to the point also gave some really interesting opportunities for everybody, but I found that Heavy especially enjoyed them. He could make up for his movement speed by jumping down from it and stuffing anybody using that flank.

My main issue is with that drop-down though. I think you should extend the cover (fences) up all the way to the roof, and maybe make it opaque. As Scout, I could repeatedly double-jump above it and take bites out of a poor engineer and his buildings below, and he had no recourse. In fact, the only real counter to that would be Demoman's arcing projectiles. In general, it feels kind of exposed, and if somebody's coming from it, it's obvious from half the area, nullifying the surprise. That might be on purpose though, which I get. It has the potential to be quite strong as-is.
The fence that is on the point's side was more or less decorative as it used to be a skybox-tall wall which looked ugly, I had plans to add metal sheets on top of the fence to still allow visibility but not interaction, I'm not sure about making it opaque however, the height advantage is very good and allows anyone standing there to attack with full damage ramp up to 3 locations; the Point-to-right flank entry (Under balcony), Point-to-balcony entry (Crate and train wheels) and the Ramp-to-balcony (Brick room), and also onto the point if you go on the fence.

I will decide whether or not it remains opaque after the next test, Thanks for the Insight.


L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

Alpha 18 released

"Play this map or I'll follow you home and eat your Sandviches"


Alpha 18 release, A19 might never exist because I'm planning on Moving to Beta 1 after this update, will this map reach final? only time will tell.


Added tiny vent to right flank, this is an alternative path to weaken spawn-camping and allow more back-line movement and a silent entrance to the room.

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L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

Version A19 Released

"I'll release Beta 1 after this! I s-swear!"
- Me on A18, a complete buffoon

After taking a break (Working behind the scenes) on A19 it's finally here, the update everyone (some people) have been waiting for!


Here are the major changes:

Revamped spawn-rooms to make the right flank more usable and alleviate the spawn-camping problem

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L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

It's finally here.

Tasmania has entered Beta!

Been a bit (3 weeks) but we're back.

Removed a few Area-portals, might be reverted depending on performance

Lightly optimized vis-leaves

Revamped skybox (Not final!)

Updated Lighting, Sun position and Fog

Made the map palette smaller by changing and reusing textures

Very little layout changes as I doubt there's any big issue with it

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L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

Beta 2 has been released

This update changes very little of the gameplay elements and focuses mostly on detailling


Updated 3D skybox which includes displacement, models, lighting and fog

Added very aggressive optimization methods such as a closer Far Z clip, Nodraw textures and low fade distance on multiple props

Detailed OOB areas a bit more so the skybox doesn't look as dull, not final.

Updated a few lights and the environment lighting

Added a ton of decorative overlays and ropes/cables

Cleaned a...

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L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

Beta 3 release

Beta 3 release, contains multiple detailing updates which are not final but pave the way into what the map will look like



Wooden structure besides hut has been turned into an extension of the hut allowing for more cover and a very risky yet aggressive engineer nest position, as this is a gameplay change the hut was not decorated properly

Levelled the ceilings in the concrete building which add...

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L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

Tasmania: Similar ideas, new layout.

Hello again, it's been a while since the last update, hasn't it? Specifically 471 days! That's a damn long time, I would explain why it took this much but it's out of the scope of this changelog and might be explained later as well as the reason for a whole revamp, anyways, here's the actual post:

Tasmania Beta 3 -> Tasmania Alpha 20 Update​


\> Revamped entire map while keeping a very similar layout and some of the original ideas...

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L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022

Happy second birthday to Koth_Tasmania!
I wanted to upload this yesterday
\/ Here's the last (functional) old Tasmania vmf in case anyone wants it, you are allowed to dissect it or make a shitpost edit if you wish (Credit me) \/
/!\ The brushwork quality is all over the place, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED /!\
I swear I'll release some more map updates eventually... eventually.... eventually....



  • koth_tasmania_b2.vmf
    5.1 MB · Views: 24


L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

Back to B(ET)Asics (4)

Merasmus: SURPRISE!

Scared you?
I won't bore you with the details, so, what changed??

Nothing! nothing at all!
That's a joke of course, but for the most part barely anything changed.
Tasmania has been rolled back to what the original Beta 4 layout was going to be, with a few "minor" changes:

  • ALL brushes have been remade, not a single drop of the original remains, this means MUCH superior brushwork which will make any future update less of a hassle...

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L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

Alt Alpha 2

Blah blah, attempt at funny patch introduction, you know how it goes.


Made it harder to push into spawn from big building route.
Simplified the big building and the truck building
Cleaned up geometry further
Removed some doorways and irrelevant areas to funnel more players into the point
Added small health pack to the lower exit in the big building and removed the max ammo due to how powerful engineer already is.


Nerfing sightline into main from big building platform...

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L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

Tasmania A4

And another one


  • /!\ Blocked off main route to test how it plays /!\
  • Lowered cap time setting from 11 to 6
  • "Balcony room" made 128 units bigger to make it more comfortable to play in
  • Bottom exit route has become wider too
  • Made the lobby -> spawn sightline less overpowered
  • Right route spawn -> lobby revamped once again
  • Increased height variation to allow for less visibility
  • Implemented fog
  • A very slight artpass...

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L3: Member
Aug 14, 2022
spruce updated Tasmania with a new update entry:

(Alt) Alpha 4

Blah blah, it's late


- Re-opened main after heavy pushback
  • Tightened big building's lower exit
  • Re-organized big building slightly
  • Added more diagonals in the small building
  • "Mid-flank" area slightly changed to give a better spot to snipers
  • Culled a sightline that did not exist due to the door
  • Shifted walk times slightly
  • (Slightly) Improved lighting and performance
  • Fog far z clip enabled

If you think these changes are really minor...

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