KotH Station [Deleted]

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Dec 6, 2014
I'm pretty sure that name is already taken.

It also looks like that you've put the spawn right in front of the point. Don't do that, it makes spawncamping way too easy. Also, have more than one exit from a spawn, preferably from two separate hight levels. Health and ammo are also missing.


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 12, 2015
That's some improvement,but you're still doing the same mistakes:

First,there's STILL one small spawnroom with only with door. This can still lead into a big respawnkill. But now you made a really big sightline for both teams with this.


Still,there's only 2 small health packs... and that's it. No medium/full health kits,or even some ammo at all. Map's still a little bit "cramped",with not too many options to flank and such.

I made a crappy-ish idea for your map. Dunno if it can help you.


Basically move the existing door a liiiitle bit to the left (or just leave it there. xd),expand the respawn room and add 2 new doors. And also made a whole new area (probably a medium-ish size) on both sides. The green-blue-stuff colour are just stairs going down and connecting to the CP. You can either go downstairs and then to the CP or go up again (derp),or just go straight using the path on the left.

For the stairs I thought something like this. Let's see what you can come up with.

And well,just mirror it for everyone. In every direction. MIRROR ALL THE THINGS!

So yeah. Maybe the fight goes better on top of the metro rather than below it. You can even connect both green paths on the surface and make a random hole on top of the CP for a SNEAK ATTACK!

I dunno. Just some random ideas. Your map is really good. Keep up that good work. o3o
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Suspect of eating cookies alive
Apr 21, 2016
That's some improvement,but you're still doing the same mistakes:

First,there's STILL one small spawnroom with only with door. This can still lead into a big respawnkill. But now you made a really big sightline for both teams with this.


Still,there's only 2 small health packs... and that's it. No medium/full health kits,or even some ammo at all. Map's still a little bit "cramped",with not too many options to flank and such.

I made a crappy-ish idea for your map. Dunno if it can help you.


Basically move the existing door a liiiitle bit to the left (or just leave it there. xd),expand the respawn room and add 2 new doors. And also made a whole new area (probably a medium-ish size) on both sides. The green-blue-stuff colour are just stairs going down and connecting to the CP. You can either go downstairs and then to the CP or go up again (derp),or just go straight using the path on the left.

For the stairs I thought something like this. Let's see what you can come up with.

And well,just mirror it for everyone. In every direction. MIRROR ALL THE THINGS!

So yeah. Maybe the fight goes better on top of the metro rather than below it. You can even connect both green paths on the surface and make a random hole on top of the CP for a SNEAK ATTACK!

I dunno. Just some random ideas. Your map is really good. Keep up that good work. o3o

Thanks alot for your feedback! Your idea is good, maybe i will use it. (If you don't mind :D )


Feb 5, 2016
Judging by the screenshots, rocket and sticky jumping is impossible.


Dec 6, 2014
We played this today on the gameday. We've left feedback, but I'm not sure how much of that actually got recorded as the system derped out most of the time we played. Demos were recorded though, so if the feedback system didn't work you can still check the chat window. If you see !fb or !gf pop up, pause the demo and look around where the player giving the feedback was standing and what he was pointing at. That way you can at least have a somewhat functional feedback system.

Generally, this was the feedback:

Less pillars. Just, way less pillars man. In fact, most train stations only have pillars in the middle of the station, so I think you can do away with almost all of the pillars.
All the spawns are in the back of the spawn room, making people spawn into each other. Make sure to have at least 16 info_team_spawn entities per spawn room.
Make the underground taller so Rocket Jumping and Sticky Jumping is a viable thing and there's actual hight variation.
More spawn exits so spawncamping is way harder.
More ways from spawn->point.
More health and ammo around the map. Not 2 of each but a LOT more.
The ramp up to the point is really weird. I'd just lower that whole area or raise the track area.
When you have less pillars the use of the train tracks becomes less of a hassle, so you can now block off at least one of the sides from mid stairs to point to prevent spamming. The Righteous Bison in particular was waaaaaay too strong on this map.


Dec 6, 2014
Wanna update the screenshots too?


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 12, 2015
You basically moved the spawn a little bit to the left to remove the sightness,changed small healthpacks into medium,and added some ammo.

Oh,and also some random buildings as decoration.

I THINK your cubemaps aren't properly built. I see some weird ultra-shiny reflections on some buildings. And I think it's either BLU spawn or RED,that has a z-fighting (textures colliding) in one of the buildings right when you exit the spawn.

Well,it's something I guess. :3


L5: Dapper Member
Oct 12, 2015
Oh man,that is getting some good shape.

Remember to upload it into an imp (in the Steam Chat Group) so people can test it and you get some feedback.


Dec 6, 2014
That's a pretty dark area around spawn there. Up the brightness of those lights to something like 1000 or something, and make the outer angles something like 70-75º.

And from the screenshots there still aren't many health and ammo packs around.


I can see trough the 3D skybox.


This still feels weird to suddenly walk upwards on. I don't know how high this platform is, but you could lower it by at least half of what it currently is.


This area could get health and ammopacks, as well as some general lengthening. Don't worry about these pink lines, those are your clip brushes being rendered (r_drawclipbrushes 1).


I feel like you can block off this area with some thing like a construction fence. This does 3 things. 1: it blocks off the sightline which made the Bison very strong, 2: it forces people to take the tracks giving them a chance to get run over and 3: it makes a good Engineer spot to set up.


You can do away with about 3/4th if not all of your pillars.
This is how an underground station usually looks:

All the pillars in the middle so nothing is blocking the doors. As for the map itself, it stops limiting players where they can exit the tracks and makes them bump into things less.


Misaligned texture.

Also, I LOVE the NO fence. No screenshots taken of it, I want people to figure it out themselves :)
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