

L2: Junior Member
Mar 2, 2010
So, hey. This is the map i'm working on. I'm new to Hammer, this is the first thing i've done that's even playable. I just came from an impromptu playtest of it (hence the playtest spectator screenshots).

There are a number of obvious complaints, yes.

It's fullbright, I know. I didn't want to mess with lighting until I had some vague idea if this map was playable, and if not, if it was salvagable. Yes, it's missing cubemaps (I have no idea where they went, as I did build them and they worked fine when i tested earlier today). And yes, it's dev textures.

There are a few things that came up during the impromptu playtest (thanks again to everyone who popped up at the playtest for the advice!) that i've noted: returning to the spawn takes a looong time. The point is hard to attack if there are people on it, due to it's height. And the sniper windows are probably bad (or, at the least, they are reminicient of 2fort).

Anyways, as this is my first map (and probably terrible, I know), I'd love to hear what you guys have to say about it. Thanks!

EDIT: Also, I am aware that it's not very good. It is my first map :p. Plus, I saved the awesome idea for a map until later, when I know more what i'm doing. This is not that map :p
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L4: Comfortable Member
Nov 14, 2009
I smell long long sightlines. Make your floor checkered too. it looks a lot better that way. Create some more blockage and yes, you should lower the point. It's hard to tell where the spawns are, but there should be some areas and buildings you should have to pass through first.
Mar 23, 2010
You should create some horizontal distance instead of vertical distance.

yes this. it looks really uncanny for a KOTH map which is good that people are trying something new. However, I would suggest making it like this: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/7479925/Spontaneous.bmp (sorry for .bmp)

I made some layout changes, but the gist is that the spawns shouldn't be across from each other. It should be rotational symmetry not line symmetry.

also, you created a lot of windows up high which is baaaaad.

IMO of course.

Also I would like to know your awesome idea for a map.
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Jun 9, 2009
1) The map is fullbright; do what Vincent said above me and fix it, please.

2) For taking screenshots, please follow this thread's guidelines.