
Spaceball A14


L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 3, 2024
I'd like to issue an apology for ruining everyone's lives.

You see, when I first uploaded Spaceball, I had no idea that not having a prefix attached to it was such a big deal. Boy was I wrong. No sooner had spaceball_a11.bsp hit the bot's maplist, catastrophe struck. Birds fell from the sky as darkness and foetor swept the land. Crops failed and withered into dust. Men left their families to fight their former neighbors for what meager resources remained in this poisoned world, as their children starved in squalor and their wives wailed in the streets.

Thankfully, all that has been rectified, now that Spaceball finally has a real, true, and 100% serious and legitimate prefix attached to it. Everyone, it with great pleasure that I announce the rebirth of Spaceball as:


It's the same good old Spaceball from yesterday, only without the world-ending consequences of a mapname not having a prefix.

You may all now resume your normal lives.


L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 3, 2024
So 2 minutes isn't nearly enough time to mount a proper back and forth. Looks like we're going back to three.

Still, the problem remains with the between-round intermissions. It's only 15 seconds, but most players believe it to be all of eternity. Maybe what I can do to shorten the appearance of the passage of time is take a page out of the ancient Roman playbook- bread and circuses. To make it look like we're playing a real sport, during the break I could run a commercial. A fake commercial promoting a fictional alien product, obviously. I'm not selling out, don't worry. Something short enough to fit within the infinite expanse of 15 seconds. Gotta be absurd and mildly funny too. Like, "This game has been brought to you by Blarg Nuts. Blarg Nuts! Put our nuts in your mouth!" Maybe make 10 or so of them, and use a logic_case to select an advert at random.


L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 3, 2024
asylum updated Spaceball with a new update entry:



  • Increased gravity to 0.7, up from 0.4
  • We're back to 3 minute rounds.
  • Respawn time now increases for every goal scored by a team, instead of just every few goals. The more your team scores, the longer they'll be sidelined when they die.
  • Commercials! A "commercial" will play during the intermission, to make the long, torturous, fifteen seconds of downtime seem less tedious

Read the rest of this update entry...


L4: Comfortable Member
Mar 3, 2024
So no random commercials yet, but commercials nonetheless. Lets see how this affects the wait.