Slime Time

PL Slime Time RC1


L3: Member
Jan 15, 2015
Bella - A small-sized spooky payload map in progress!

This is a fairly early WIP of pl_bella, for the checklist contest! Map is a small sized 3 point single stage payload map with a spooky aesthetic, and some custom assets. I also named the map after my dog.

Since this is in alpha stage, I'd appreciate some suggestions for routes or layout/element changes to make this a fun map for its size.


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Here's some feedback for ya

-The map looks pretty good so far but you're detailing is rather basic at this point. There are a lot of big empty walls and areas that could use something to make them interesting.

-I can see a wooden brush that clips through the wall in the room behind this door
-the texture on the broken wood is misaligned
-This brick doesn't look right with the rest of the stuff in this room
-That upper doorway could use at least a frame or something. It's just kind of a hole in the wall right now
-This portrait is neat but the frame is so thick it just looks off
-This side of the door is overly dark. Try changing the lighting origin
-The speakers here look very odd and don't fit the rest of the room
-I think you need more signs here. Just a few more
-Most of your rooves are super thick. They should be somewhere between 6hu and 4hu from what I find.
-not only do these hanging stairs not touch the ground at the bottom but there is some massive space between them. Stairs in TF2 or source in general are usually 8hu high by 12hu long
-This window is green for some reason
-The shadow of the full ammo above leaks through the floor and onto this wall. This usually happens when a brush is too thin and less than 10hu thick or if the map was compiled with fast settings
The building behind blu glowing green due to the "mysterious substance" is a neat touch but there's no visual reason given for it. I'd suggest opening the garage door in the spawn room to show an out of bounds area that includes something like a pool of green ooze or a bunch of barrels. Just something that looks like it would cause the glow.
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-All these walls that are behind stuff should have the nodraw texture since there's no point for them to be rendered
-These stairs would look better with a trim on the side, like the steps in mannmanor. Also they are too large plus there's some weird shadow difference between the walls of the steps which just looks odd
-It looks like I can rocket jump up here, which I shouldn't want to do
-The direct change from wood texture to black texture in the area with the barrels is odd
-The boxes under the stairs far off start to look weird at this distance. I think it's due to fading but I'm not sure
-the wood prop being used as a ramp digs into the concrete floor which doesn't work with that texture. If it was a ground texture it would make more sense
-The texture on the far off hill doesn't look right being some kind of rock texture
-This just stopped spinning at some point for no reason
-There's a couple of these lights that clip through the rooves of buildings in this area
-This area is very bland and empty. I'd suggest putting some rocks or something on the left just to spice up the area

That's all for now. The map looks pretty cool so far so best of luck!


L3: Member
Jan 15, 2015
Hey thanks for checking it out!, Most of these issues have been fixed in the newest version which will be updated soon


Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
Some of these where addressed and the map is getting there but I really hope this isn't the complete final version since there are still some things to work on. I hope I don't sound like I'm being hard on the map, I just think it has potential and want to see it and you reach that potential.'s more feedback >__>

-That's a dark area by the door

-Put some kind of trim between the wood and the tile under this door so there's more of a natural transition instead of a hard stop from one to the other
-Why is this area still here when it's inaccessible? It's separate enough to not hinder optimization but I'm just curious
-Those arches could really use some more angles
-Older TF2 maps keep door texture flat like this but it looks better, imo, if you give it some depth by having the frame stick out from the main door. Also without a knob or push plate it's hard to tell that this is a door and not just a big piece of wood. Something as basic as the image below would go a long way:

-This doorway has the doorframe inside and nothing where the actual door hole is, which looks odd
-Holy Crap this ashtray with cigars is flipping HUGE! Think about the size of Spy's cigs compared to this. These are larger than cigars.
-Clip the wooden frame in this building
-Prop clips through the wall
-Could use a doorframe
-Many of you're wooden doorframe doorways are pretty short. It causes me to hit my head on the top even as a basic class like the engie. Idk how tall these are, but basic height to avoid this kinda thing is 192hu. You can play around with that number a bit but it's generally good form to avoid hitting the top of doors when jumping
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-Are the clips on these stairs lined up correctly? It may just be the 3rd person perspective but my character looks like he's floating above them instead of walking on them
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-no respawnroomvisualizer
-put a ramp clip on the wood under the tracks. It doesn't feel like there is one. If there is one already, make it stick out farther
-Clip this wood smooth
-This room in particular, but a lot of the mansion, just feels way too big. There's not enough things that are player sized and a lot of it is just big rooms with tall ceilings. Take a look at mannmanor and see how they do things to make areas feel like they are sized better.


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009

If this is a texture you made, I'd like to suggest that you rotate the grain on half of these slats so that it matches the direction they're going.
Oct 6, 2008
Hi Ho!

32 of us played this map last night and none of us had working lighting on the map. I tried mat_fullbright 1 and 0 on it and the map lighting didn't change - it was all flat contrast and looks nothing like the screenshots seen in the post.

Is there a setting that needs to be run with the map to get the lights working right?

Also the 2nd choke point for blue to attack is a killer - could it be modified - red held it for 12-15 mins despite multiple ubers going in.
