

The Asylum

NEW AND EXCITING: ctf_skyfort_a2

Just like any other CTF map, except with your bases being held aloft high in the sky by magically levitating rocks. It's long way down, so do your best not to fall.

This map is sort of a "thinking out loud" output after trying to make a better "Flag doesn't fall into a bottomless pit of death" setup that Grazr had.

Also, if anyone's got a good idea how to get "clouds" on the bottom without resorting to an env_smokestack in the skybox (and consequently turning the game into a slideshow), let me know.

- Added two addtional paths from the bases' front yards into the middle ground
- Said paths also connect to the bases' upper level with a one-way door.
- Replaced the big block in the intel room with a more attacker-freindly windowed room. If you're quick on map spawn you may just catch a glimpse of a familiar face...
- Significantly renovated the middle ground
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Sep 10, 2008
Not a bad idea!

I love the concept of a secret flying super-base.

Do it. just add some jets under the map and metal instead of rocks. Use point_spotlights to emulate jets :D


L4: Comfortable Member
Jan 14, 2009
Custom textures are relatively easy to make so I wouldn't worry too much.

I'm liking the idea, but I'd like to point out a couple of things (you'd probably fix them later anyway, but...)

2nd screenshot's water tub thingy has a bad metal texture, which obviously wasn't designed for what you've used it for; try a better one.

Use overlays instead of blocks as the tape surrounding the cap zone.

As far as I can tell the middle will turn into a chokepoint, maybe it needs a secondary entrance. Perhaps a high risk path (ie narrow catwalk, no handrails) beneath the main action could offer a less turtly experience.

The Asylum

The problem with fog is that it actually doesn't create "fog." All the fog setting does is tell your game at what distance your surroundings should turn to gray (or whatever color you chose). For instance, imagine point A being you, and B C and D being objects in front of you


All fog does is tell the game to is how much color you should see in B, C, and D from where you are standing. And since the the skybox isn't an onject, it will always appear as clear as ever.


L2: Junior Member
May 18, 2008
I'm having the same trouble finding a way to make a layer of clouds to simulate depth. The only answer I've come across is a complete custom texture.

Try using a 3D skybox of a little town or mountains below. Clouds could be semi-transparent textures on brushes in the skybox.

The Asylum

Right, so I've cleaned some stuff up and added more pathways. As for the "scrap the floating rocks" bit, I suppose I could. Later.

But for now, here's version a2, and the changelog:

- Added two addtional paths from the bases' front yards into the middle ground
- Said paths also connect to the bases' upper level with a one-way door.
- Replaced the big block in the intel room with a more attacker-freindly windowed room. If you're quick on map spawn you may just catch a glimpse of a familiar face...
- Significantly renovated the middle ground


Cake or Death?
Dec 20, 2007
If i had to sum it up i would say..

bit and open.

I would scale it down a bit, also snipers can see from one spawn to the next. 2 good Eng's can lock down the intel and if someone happens to get the intel and get out.. they need to pass the spawns, then a no cover walkway and then back to their side.. where a sniper from the other team can pick them off across the map.

I love the idea and cant wait to see what you do with it, just size and cover needs to be addressed.


Feb 12, 2009
The entire map is just huge. Take the bridge form 2fort and make you bridge that small. If you had to make your bridge half as small too match the 2fort bridge, then make the rest of your map just as small. Scale it down propotionally.

Make the middle area one big building. Add 4 wall and a roof to it. Use closing doors, not open doorways. This would be better for optimization, it would block off the long line's of sight, and it would look much better.

Also add a way to get to the second floor of the base from the ground level outside. Right now you have to push in the base to get up stairs but once you get to the stairs you might as well push into the flag room. This means that the upstairs is really only good for the defense. So add some stairs or reverse the way the current stair points so that it points outside, not inside.

Hope that helps.
Feb 18, 2009
just a quick suggestion. Try adding some more alternative routes. Don't just make that large battle field into lots of different, confusing hidey holes. imo, once the intel is held, the cap should be fast, but with more than one carrier (ie make it hard to cap in one run)


L3: Member
Apr 19, 2009
Those rocks should be props, the displacements have too much texture stretching atm.