
MVM Sequoia RC4

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Jul 31, 2009
Entry to the Mapper's vs Machines contest

A basic MvM map with a gate that the robots can capture - if they do it cuts their path signifiantly and gives them a quicker shortcut to the bomb hatch.
And watch out! Tanks will instantly capture the gate so sure to be on top of them.

Currently has a custom advanced difficulty popfile only.
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Jul 31, 2009
Map Changes:
- Redid the bot entry area
- Made the ramp near the hatch less steep

Advanced Mode Wave 2:
- Added giant shotgun heavies
- Reduced number of heavy+vaccinator pairs
- Added giant medic to the basic giant pyros
- Changed support scouts to support whippers

Advanced Mode Wave 4:
- Increased number of giant scouts, moved forward in the wave
- Lowered overall payout slightly

Advanced Mode Wave 5:
- Pyro gatebot boss now correctly has his light hat turn off when the gate is capped
- Made giant crossbow medics spawn earlier and faster with the other bots, rather than slowly afterwards to reduce the feeling of "fighting support"

Advanced Mode Wave 6:
- Added an bison boss at the end of the wave
- Added regular bison soldiers

Advanced Mode Wave 7:
- New boss wave

Read the rest of this update entry...


Jul 31, 2009
Map Changes:
- Artpass
- Made regular bomb route longer and less chokey
- Added some cover to the front
- Added some cover to the back
- Improved navigation so bots should flank around the tree properly
- Added grate in the bridge past the gate

Authors note: I plan to replace the trees with actual Sequoias soon

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Jul 31, 2009
Map changes:
- Normal mode added.
- Raised barrier near hatch to block incredibly obnoxious sightline.
- Made certain braces nonsolid to prevent sentry buster being stuck in a certain area
- Water wheel is solid and now turns
- There was a place you could get stuck. You can't get stuck there now.
- Added more cover to the bot front and an extra health pack on the upper platform.
- Tank no longer sounds alarm when it passes through the gate if the gate is already open
- Raised trigger hurt in pit
- Fixed area where giants would get stuck

Advanced Mode Wave 1:
- Starting currency is now 1000

Advanced Mode Wave 2:
- Support whipping gatebots are now support non-gatebot melee scouts

Advanced Mode Wave 3:
- Giant spammer soldiers now have giant uber medics instead of giant quickfix medics

Advanced Mode Wave 4:
- Warrior Spirit heavies are now smaller to indicate that they're not as tanky as other half-giants
- Reduced number of deflector heavies by 5

Advanced Mode Wave 5:
- Reduced number of big bow boys to 2

Advanced Mode Wave 6:
- Kritz medics now permanently kritz bosses until killed
- Bosses no longer have guarneteed kritz
- Bison Boss is now slower and has less rage gain

Advanced Mode Wave 7:
- Reduced boss health
- Removed crits from boss
- Increased medic health

Read the rest of this update entry...


Nov 6, 2011
absolutely love this map, wishing you the best of luck



L1: Registered
Jun 5, 2014
Mappers vs Machine has certainly given us a lot of great MVM maps. This looks really promising!


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
Since the .nav error at the bridge is causing some waves to last a lot longer than they should, I figured that I'd just run the map quickly and fix the bloody thing myself.
In the off-chance that you want the .nav as well, I figured I'd share a link to it.


Jul 31, 2009
Sequoia Changelog

- Improved tank moving through the gate. Should fix the rare case of it exploding.
- Added some extra rocks in the river to make it slightly easier to jump out
- Fixed the nav on the gate-bridge that caused bots to get stuck
- Fixed money getting stuck in tank area
- Added mission made by Dayal - "Fibre Ops"

Read the rest of this update entry...


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018
I'm fairly certain there's a missing texture in the Fibre Ops mission at wave 2, something to do with the Giant Shield Medic.


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
There's also something funny going on with the gate now:

When a Tank rolls in and the Gate starts opening, a lot of times the Gate will continue opening despite the Tank getting destroyed before it manages to capture it so you have an open gate that thankfully none of the bots use because the nav doesn't update when the gate fully opens.

This can also happen when you destroy the Tank when the gate opens and the wave ends, in which case:
  • Tank rolls in, Gate starts to open
  • Players destroy the Tank, wave ends because it was the only enemy left on the wave
  • Gate starts to close, then starts opening again?


L5: Dapper Member
Jul 20, 2014
and as a fun little bonus, we semi-accidentally found a rather precise spot where you can get stuck on the Gate.