
RedShip rc3


L12: Fabulous Member
Aug 14, 2009
I'm pretty sure the Koreans don't care too much for sc2


L3: Member
Jul 18, 2009
Well, the Korean gamers have been playing SC1 for the last 12 years.
My little finger tells me they are going to play SC2 as well. :)

Last edited:


L1: Registered
Apr 16, 2010
We attempted to put this on the FFN Payload server and it crashed the whole thing.

We're big fans of Redship over there, is there anything I can do to help fix this issue?


L3: Member
Jul 18, 2009
Shaman: I realized yesterday that the map now crashes since the polycount update.

Valve has lowered the "maximum number of objects" for a map and fixed their maps not to bust the limit. Mappers didn't get the memo before hand so those near the limit, like RedShip, are now crashing servers! :)

I'm fixing it and will release a new version soon.

BTW, any comments/bugs about the map?

Mar 23, 2010
Shaman: I realized yesterday that the map now crashes since the polycount update.

Valve has lowered the "maximum number of objects" for a map and fixed their maps not to bust the limit. Mappers didn't get the memo before hand so those near the limit, like RedShip, are now crashing servers! :)

I'm fixing it and will release a new version soon.

BTW, any comments/bugs about the map?


nice of them to put it in the changelog or something eh?


L1: Registered
Apr 16, 2010
From what I've played, it looks great, but I was only able to run through it by myself. I look forward to trying out the new version.


L3: Member
Jul 18, 2009
RC2 is out!!!

* * N E W * * - RedShip RC2 now available! - November 5th 2010

Fixes the map crash issue from the Mann-conomy update and MANY other changes:

- Gameplay improvements in term of flow and team balancing.
- Improved the visuals by adding more detail and models.
- Added displaying of hits left to destroy the Red Shield.
- The Super dispenser on the cart is now glowing and can be seen through walls, like on regular payload maps. The other cart parts do not, intentionally.
- Added an opening in the sniper vent (above the Cargo room) so it's not a "dead end" anymore and is another way inside the ship.
- Reduced number of console in CIC room from 8 to 4. (balancing was made accordingly) I know I should've done it earlier...
- Added shield model for every super sentry in the map making their invulnerability more obvious.
- Automated doors now open sooner, further away from the player.
- Fixed a bug where BLU team could destroy the Core by shooting at it and blowing it up using the Bomb Cart bugging the gameplay.
- Removed all easter eggs (arrgg) because of the new model limit of the Mann-conomy update.
- Slight performance improvements in some spots.
- Some visual bugs fixed.
- Added win messages to connect the gameplay to the backstory. (...a bit)
- Tweaked the FTL jump effect of the spaceship in the skybox
- If all is good, this will be the final version of RedShip. (after a recompile and proper naming, of course.)

If all is good, this will be the final version of RedShip! (after a rename of course)


Download links in the OP.



L1: Registered
Apr 16, 2010
Bad bug, Red team doesn't exist on the map anymore. I e-mailed you about it.

Basically boils down to when Blu wins and blows up the redship it says "Blu has successfully defended" and then when you switch teams you're still blu but you're defending.


L3: Member
Jul 18, 2009
(as replied to you by email)

The BLU becoming the defending team is "by design":

Stage 1:

- BLU try to take over RedShip.
- When they do succeed, they stay in RedShip and become the defending team.

Stage 2:

- BLU are hacking into RedShip's computers to find incriminating information (back story stuff...) to they must protect the hacking devices.
- RED are coming back and are trying to prevent the hacking of RedShip by destroying the devices.

There are on-screen messages telling you this.

Remember that if you switch teams before the end of a round, you'll switch back to the same team you were before the switch...right?

Redo the whole sequence as BLU and read the messages on-screen... should make more sense and YES, the RED team do exist on RedShip! :)

Still, thanks for pointing out the unusual. :)



L3: Member
Jul 18, 2009
Alright, RedShip RC3 is now available.

See OP for full details!

- RedShip is now available in 2 flavors: the Basic edition (this version) and the Director's Cut edition.
- There is only one type of payload now for the basic edition: the bomb cart.
- There are no more objectives to destroy: just push the cart 'till the end and BOOM!
- Consequently, BLU cannot destroy the Core by shooting it in the basic edition. Only the bomb can destroy it.
- Added message about 2 different versions of the map at the start of a round.
- BLU ship is now at the front of RedShip for simpler and more straight forward gameplay purposes.
- BLU ship gameplay and structural changes to accomodate the fact that it's closer and easier to access for RED.
- The dispenser AND bomb now display an outline that can be seen through walls for easily locating the bomb while playing.
- Fixed a lot of tiny little bugs and visual glitches.