
CTF Redplanet a6


Former cheese man Gorgonzola
Feb 18, 2012
Redplanet - 2nd place winner of the 72hr contest anno 2014

Just remembered I never made a thread for this map.

So here we go:

Redplanet is an experimental invade-ctf-koth map made in 72 hours back in 2014.
The flag starts out neutral in the middle of the map. When a team picks up the flag and captures it in the enemy teams base, the capturing teams koth timer starts counting down. When the enemy team caps the flag in your base, your team's timer pauses and the enemy's timer starts.

This is a newer version than the one from 72hr contest and features a new route from lower middle to lobby and a small but important fix to the gamemode, which prevents a team from instantly winning when the enemy team captures the flag in overtime.

Custom content used:
Globe from bulletcrops pack.
256 hu handrail from a trainyard handrail pack.


Former cheese man Gorgonzola
Feb 18, 2012
I also just remembered - this is still open for anyone who wants to adopt this map since I will never release another update for it. If you are interested you can find the download for the .vmf below.

Here's also the template for the gamemode itself. I just spend some improving it a bit, so it is much more polished than the one featured in either redplanet and felgen (better announcer lines, multiple capture zones, optimization of logic etc.). Since the logic is a bit tricky at points I included a few comments to help explain what everything does.


  • ctf_redplanet_a6.vmf
    5.6 MB · Views: 132
  • ctf_invade_koth_template.vmf
    78.1 KB · Views: 155