
CTF Rainville a2


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Rainville - (Flashbacks to the Danktown Kerfuffle of 2015)

A slight remake of "Raintown", the second map I ever made.

It was adopted from @Corvatile, then known as Brickanator, who put up their map Danktown for adoption. Me and a handful of others jumped at it and began releasing our own continuations of the map. Mine was the worst, as I moved the objective on top of spawn and removed all of the clipping. The only one of us that didn't immediately drop the map was @Spipper, so check out his Blanktown!

Anyway, this map fixes most of the issues my original edit had. The flag has it's own room, which is no longer directly above spawn. While many rooftops still remain unclipped, they have been intentionally designed to be playable areas.

Since the map still heavily resembles the original Danktown map, I don't intend on continuing this map for very long, if at all. I just wanted to right an early wrong.


(*single chuckle*)
Apr 10, 2014
Fixing a few issues with the last version, and experimenting with a few changes. Nothing too drastic, but some I still want to try out.


- Rearranged the clipping around the water towers on the battlement rooftops to make players get caught less
- Raised some of the inaccessible roofs around the battlement rooftops so players are less likely to think they're walkable
- Fixed a gap between two props in the flag rooms
- Rearranged props near spawn to better telegraph a clip brush
- Made the doors in the center building 32hu taller
- Rotated the computer in the middle of the center building
- Added a round timer of 8:30. If no team has won by the end, a stalemate will occur.
- Moved the healthkits in the side buildings from the corner to in front of the "car rooms"
- Replaced the ramps in the side buildings with drop offs. This is an experiment, and if it performs poorly this change will be reversed.
- Added an "Intelligence" sign to the battlements doorway that leads directly to the flagroom
- Added some light signage across the map
- Replaced the oaks in the detail areas with pines

Read the rest of this update entry...