Declined Punishment Appeal - Tang

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Forum System
Jan 25, 2023

What is your type of punishment? Temp Ban

What platform was the punishment on? Servers

What is your SteamID? 76561198253040761

Who applied the punishment? N/A

When were you punished? Jan 3, 2024

Why should we revoke it? I understand that I was getting frustrated and heated regarding some of the maps we were playing on the map test, and I do take full responsibility for my actions on that part. That being said, some of the comments I had made towards 2 others were both taken out of context and were not ever made to intentionally hurt or make said people uncomfortable. I have already apologized personally and received forgiveness, though I was not made aware of what I said made them uncomfortable until after the warning and punishment. In the future I will continue to work and watch what I say carefully, while also wishing that others please be vocal about things I am doing wrong. I will still serve the punishment if deemed so, but I want to clear my name regardless of what happened.

Thank you for your time,
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