Paper Shadow

L2: Junior Member
Jul 22, 2016
Paper Shadow updated PSCP24 COAP with a new update entry:

Beta 4: Post Contest Update

A Point Changes:
Removed Lower Route
Removed Big Red Wall
Removed BLU Forward Spawn and Arrows (BLU spawns slightly further into spawn after capping A)
Added a lil' room where the BLU sided entrance for the Lower Route use to be that contains a Full Medkit
Added a Small Medkit at the other end of the Lower Route use to be
Relocated and altered some pickups
Slowed down A Point Door

B Point Changes:
Added Upper Route that replaces the staircase and instead connects the room behind A to both...

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Paper Shadow

L2: Junior Member
Jul 22, 2016
Paper Shadow updated PSCP24 COAP with a new update entry:

B5 Update

A Point Changes:
BLU Spawn Rearranged to hopefully create better flow
Added micro-height variance outside BLU Spawn
Added a new route to the Upper Ground
Added a prop jump between the Upper Ground and the High Ground
Added Sniper Cover at the chokepoint and the Left Balcony (BLU's Perspective)
Extended Right Balcony (BLU's Perspective) and added a bridge to the wall (no doorway)
Removed A Point's Lil' Room
A Point Door sped up a lot (should let BLU get control of the Triangle Room before RED...

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Paper Shadow

L2: Junior Member
Jul 22, 2016
Paper Shadow updated PSCP24 COAP with a new update entry:

B6 Update

Minor texture changes, lighting changes, and A Point changes
Added Grass

B Point:
Added a room outside the left RED Spawn exit (RED's Perspective)
Altered the left route (BLU's Perspective) to head towards the pit
Raised the Capture Point slightly and turned it into more of a bridge
Changed the little piece of geometry near the A Shortcut to a full platform, has minor cover and a small medkit
Added the windows/scenery from Ultiduo COAP to liven the area up a little

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Paper Shadow

L2: Junior Member
Jul 22, 2016
Paper Shadow updated PSCP24 COAP with a new update entry:

Update B8A

Update is focused on A Point, it is being re-artpassed and the capture point has been move out from under the bridge. There is now a route around the A Point Door and the connecting room has been shrunk and simplified. These changes were made to adapting A to how RED was playing A and avoid awkward situations where RED players couldn't find the point.

The Triangle Room now has bigger pickups since BLU is taking control of it more frequently, but they will be taken away again should RED...

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Paper Shadow

L2: Junior Member
Jul 22, 2016
Paper Shadow updated PSCP24 COAP with a new update entry:

B10 Update

I forgot most of the changes I made because I made B9 after testing B8 but then didn't upload it so I went back to B9 recently and did some further changes.

But most of the changes revolve around the area between A and B, shortening the area, repositioning the stairs to reduce the time to get from the Triangle Room to the balcony above, and hopefully making it easier to push from the Triangle Room into B by opening up the following hallway.

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