Problem with props being dark


L3: Member
Apr 3, 2018
Hello there,
I have a problem where a prop_dynamic model appears dark even though there are light entities all around it.

There are a few things you should know about it first:
1. The prop is from a Sketchfab to SFM (& TF2) port. The model is a prop_dynamic to be visible in-game. (prop_statics are invisible when it comes to SFM models)
2. I've tried the -StaticPropLighting command, even with -DynamicPropLighting, and both didn't work.
3. The entire model has only one vtf & vmt.
4. The box around the prop is extremely long and I don't know if this affects the lighting on the model.

(The left space is full of a no player clip and wasn't supposed to be there at the first place, just being made in case the model box is important)

All the other prop_dynamics work perfectly fine when it comes to lighting.


The lights for the dark props only affect the player, but not the prop


Is there a way to fix this? Please help : )

btw. here is the model: (glitchexe/cis_munificent.mdl)
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Coding Ethan

L2: Junior Member
Oct 12, 2014
...the prop is extremely long and I don't know if this affects the lighting on the model.
If you have access to the sketchfab files, see if any stray parts are far out in that direction, this may not resolve the issue, but it'll make narrowing it down less tedious.


L3: Member
Apr 3, 2018
I've checked the Blender file and everything seems to be fine at this point. (btw. I forgot to mention it was me who ported them)
Anyway, the models are all by the same creator and I ported them all the same way; and the long box first appeared when spawning that one model in Hammer; the other props work fine


L3: Member
Apr 3, 2018
I figured out there's a bug with the hitbox

but I'm not sure that's not actually related with the lighting problem. I mean, I can use lights on this model in SFM but I can't do it in Hammer, so I think it could be possibly sth else causing the problem (I'm not sure, idk) (and I don't know how to fix the hitbox bug)