Problem with my MVM map, missions not working, again.


L1: Registered
Jul 21, 2016
I already had this problem, though @epicfighter4242 helped me fix it.
Now, i added the most minor things and now it is even worse then before i repaired it before.
before, it would say wave 1/2 but no robots were showing up, either were there in the hud.
Now, there just is "wave 0" and i got no money!
Here is the pop file, yes. My map name is mvm_frosted, and the popfile is named mvm_frosted_normal

#base robot_giant.pop
#base robot_standard.pop
#base robot_frosted.pop


StartingCurrency 400
RespawnWaveTime 5
CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom no

Mission // sentry buster
Objective DestroySentries

InitialCooldown 10
Where spawnbot
BeginAtWave 1
RunForThisManyWaves 6

CooldownTime 35

Template T_TFBot_SentryBuster
Mission // Sniper - wave 4
Objective Sniper

InitialCooldown 15
Where spawnbot_mission_sniper
BeginAtWave 3
RunForThisManyWaves 3
CooldownTime 35
DesiredCount 2

Class Sniper
Skill Expert
Name Sniper
Mission // Spy - wave 3
Objective Spy

InitialCooldown 20
Where spawnbot_mission_spy
BeginAtWave 3
RunForThisManyWaves 1
CooldownTime 15
DesiredCount 1

Class Spy
Skill Expert
Name Spy
//Wave 1 Random wave Bat scout and Minor league scouts// currency 400/////////////
Target wave_start_relay
Action trigger
Target wave_finished_relay
Action trigger
WaitWhenDone 65
Description "Melee Scouts and Minor League Scouts"
Checkpoint Yes

Name "First Squad"

Where spawnbot_random
TotalCount 30
MaxActive 10
SpawnCount 5
WaitBeforeStarting 0
WaitBetweenSpawns 4
TotalCurrency 100

Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee
Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee
Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee
Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee
Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sandman
Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sandman
Template T_TFBot_Scout_WrapAssasin
//Wave 2 15 FlarePyros, 15 Medics, /////////
WaitWhenDone 65
Checkpoint Yes
Target wave_start_relay
Action Trigger
Target wave_finished_relay
Action Trigger
Name Wave2Squad1
TotalCurrency 250
TotalCount 30
MaxActive 10
SpawnCount 10
Where spawnbot
WaitBeforeStarting 0
WaitBetweenSpawns 10
Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Flaregun
Template T_TFBot_Medic_BigHeal
ItemName "the quick-fix"
"ubercharge rate penalty" 0.1
Name Wave2Squad2
WaitForAllDead Wave2Squad1
TotalCurrency 200
TotalCount 2
MaxActive 2
SpawnCount 2
Where spawnbot
WaitBeforeStarting 0
WaitBetweenSpawns 10
Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Flare_Spammer
Template T_TFBot_Medic_BigHeal
Name Wave2Squad3
WaitForAllSpawned Wave2Squad2
TotalCurrency 100
TotalCount 10
MaxActive 10
SpawnCount 10
Where spawnbot
WaitBeforeStarting 0
WaitBetweenSpawns 10
Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Cannon
WaitForAllSpawned Wave2Squad1
TotalCurrency 200
TotalCount 10
MaxActive 5
SpawnCount 2
Where spawnbot
WaitBeforeStarting 0
WaitBetweenSpawns 10
Support 1
Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee
WaitForAllSpawned Wave2Squad2
TotalCurrency 400
TotalCount 10
MaxActive 5
SpawnCount 2
Where spawnbot
WaitBeforeStarting 0
WaitBetweenSpawns 10
Support 1
Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee


L2: Junior Member
Mar 5, 2016
do you have a nav file in your map? you can create one very quickly by just typing "nav_generate" in the console while in the map

The Letter Before A

Cool Idiot
Jul 15, 2016
yea, gonna try that.
EDIT: I did not expect that to work!!! Thanks! :D
Yeah im nor surprise
All the robots are are just less natural versions of the tf2 stock bots.
Granted I've never made a mvm map I thought it worked on a node based system


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
Next time when posting a popfile. instead of using a spoiler block, use a code block.
Example of a spoiler block
as you can see
indenting spaces and multiple
spaces are not preserved
Example of a codeblock
                              as you can see
indenting        spaces and multiple
spaces are preserved
further it has a fixed width font


L3: Member
May 8, 2010
It might be a good idea to load the map on your local machine and verify that the generated nav looks OK.

You need the entire map to have navigation areas even outside of the bot paths. This is so that Sentry Busters work.

I'm terrible at teaching about editing navigation meshes, but the Valve Developer Wiki has a navigation meshes guide.

You may need to add some special nav areas if your MvM map is going to have snipers, using nav_make_sniper_spots. Or not, I'm not sure if MvM bots use them.

Side note: koth_harvest is an example of a map shipped with the game where nav_generate makes mistakes if you don't manually fix them. Specifically, it doesn't add in navigation meshes for some of the rooftop areas or the one-way connections where you can jump down to ground level but not back up.


L1: Registered
Jul 21, 2016
It might be a good idea to load the map on your local machine and verify that the generated nav looks OK.

You need the entire map to have navigation areas even outside of the bot paths. This is so that Sentry Busters work.

I'm terrible at teaching about editing navigation meshes, but the Valve Developer Wiki has a navigation meshes guide.

You may need to add some special nav areas if your MvM map is going to have snipers, using nav_make_sniper_spots. Or not, I'm not sure if MvM bots use them.

Side note: koth_harvest is an example of a map shipped with the game where nav_generate makes mistakes if you don't manually fix them. Specifically, it doesn't add in navigation meshes for some of the rooftop areas or the one-way connections where you can jump down to ground level but not back up.
Lol, i just started work on the nav mesh! :D But still thanks for the tip :)


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
I'm terrible at teaching about editing navigation meshes, but the Valve Developer Wiki has a navigation meshes guide.
For editing you at most would need to use the nav_split. The nav mesh is generaly fine, but since certain entity work requires the entire nav area to be covered entirely, just reducing the size can be enough. This makes the nav work the same as before, but have it behave based on the entity work.
In some cases you can place an entiy to mark an area walkable (for example when a bot can be blasted onto a section they normaly shouldnt belong) Note that those areas still need to be a nobuild to avoid exploits. Without the nobuild a sentry gun placed on such area would force sentry busters to detonate on spawn since they cant find a valid path.
You may need to add some special nav areas if your MvM map is going to have snipers, using nav_make_sniper_spots. Or not, I'm not sure if MvM bots use them.
They use an entity for that. The entity is a region in which the sniper can freely move to allow multiple snipers where its origin is the primary spot they will take. Its recommended to have 2 primary spots in a close relation to make sure they arent going to block each others view.
Side note: koth_harvest is an example of a map shipped with the game where nav_generate makes mistakes if you don't manually fix them. Specifically, it doesn't add in navigation meshes for some of the rooftop areas or the one-way connections where you can jump down to ground level but not back up.
If an mvm map requires you to manualy create these areas, your mvm map is broken to begin with. Never should a path rely a bot to jump through a window.
At most rebuilding an area when the nav thinks its smart by making a bumpy section a flat nav, where instead it should have been 3 seperate sections, could be done. But in such case it might be worthy to check why it does that in the first place and maybe just alter the geometry (moving something 16 units can do alot) to prevent you from having to edit the nav every single time.


L1: Registered
Jul 21, 2016
For editing you at most would need to use the nav_split. The nav mesh is generaly fine, but since certain entity work requires the entire nav area to be covered entirely, just reducing the size can be enough. This makes the nav work the same as before, but have it behave based on the entity work.
In some cases you can place an entiy to mark an area walkable (for example when a bot can be blasted onto a section they normaly shouldnt belong) Note that those areas still need to be a nobuild to avoid exploits. Without the nobuild a sentry gun placed on such area would force sentry busters to detonate on spawn since they cant find a valid path.

They use an entity for that. The entity is a region in which the sniper can freely move to allow multiple snipers where its origin is the primary spot they will take. Its recommended to have 2 primary spots in a close relation to make sure they arent going to block each others view.

If an mvm map requires you to manualy create these areas, your mvm map is broken to begin with. Never should a path rely a bot to jump through a window.
At most rebuilding an area when the nav thinks its smart by making a bumpy section a flat nav, where instead it should have been 3 seperate sections, could be done. But in such case it might be worthy to check why it does that in the first place and maybe just alter the geometry (moving something 16 units can do alot) to prevent you from having to edit the nav every single time.

Well, my drop down is kinda like Coaltown. And up there there is no nav "squares" at all Im gonna try to fix that :)
Thanks for the comment