
PL PL_Hell_Island B8

Oct 6, 2008
Kill_the_Bug submitted a new resource:

Hell_Island - Blue Team Wants to Blow Up Hell

Welcome to hell - TF2 Style

The Blue Team has driven their airboats into Hell to deliver a special package to the frog god.

Since the red team likes frogs, they're going to try and stop them.

Map is currently an A5 version - so it will undergo changes based on feedback and further testing.

It also has some extras thrown in :)



Additional Credits Go To:

Stack_Man for providing me some Stock Rock Arches that had better physics built into them...

Read more about this resource...
Oct 6, 2008
Version B1 Changelog:

(Sorry guys accidently deleted this update [with all the Version A changelogs])

  • Major displacement work done
  • Major skybox work done
  • Marjor particle work done
  • Major lighting work done

- Some areas of the Frog Temple have been modified

- Major Debugging work of all of the add some mayhem into the gameplay, specifically:

--- Skeletons are more neutral based so that they will attack both teams now - except in one part of the map where they could end up fighing each other, then they will attack either red or blue
--- The Headless Horseman will make an appearance or two depending on timer and will attack both teams
--- Team based random Monoculous will appear around the map to keep you on you toes
--- Two deathpits that wil suck you into your death if not carefull
--- Two randomized Jumpscare Traps to enhance your evening

- Custom Props used for resupply / ammo packs and rock arches - credits given in main release download area

- Don't go swimming in the lava it will hurt

Not all volcanoes are firing
Oct 6, 2008
b1 test showed a couple of bug near the end of the map - will fix asap
Oct 6, 2008
Kill_the_Bug updated PL_Hell_Island with a new update entry:

Version B3 is released

Version B3 Changelog:

  • increased lighting for everyone
  • torches are now non solid at your request
  • number of skeletons remain the same but I have dramatically reduced their overall health
  • have done the same for the headless horseman
  • increased signage for the red team inside the frog termple
  • added in or modified func_avoid for better bot performance
  • have adjusted some enties to decrease their numbers for more stability
  • fixed the broken doors on the flanking route...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Oct 6, 2008
Kill_the_Bug updated PL_Hell_Island with a new update entry:

Version B4 is released

Version B4 Change Log:

  • added in the overworld into the map for a trip like you've never had before :)
  • more debugging of game logic - mostly the death traps / random teleportation
  • added in the cart teleportation while the overworld is active
  • redesigned some of the temple - a litlle more variation, a couple of one way doors so red can't flank and spawn camp as easily
  • more lighting work
  • wells are now death pits - don't fall in
  • a little more detailing

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Oct 6, 2008
version b4 is bugged - don't dl it - recompiling as version B5
Oct 6, 2008
Oct 6, 2008
Kill_the_Bug updated PL_Hell_Island with a new update entry:

Version B6 is released

B6 Change Log:

  • more ligthing work
  • scaled back Skeleton health even more - easier to kill but makes the total mayhem event MUCH MORE FUN!! I have a good laugh playing this version.
  • cart now travels to the overworld and both teams will have to fight it out there to kee the cart moving
  • a lot more detailing of the map
  • debugged 2 monos that were not firing properly
  • got rid of the death pit mechanics that pulled you into your death
  • shrunk down the size of the death pit...

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Oct 6, 2008
Kill_the_Bug updated PL_Hell_Island with a new update entry:

Version B7 is released

B7 Changelog

  • fixed the issue of b6 not being packed properly
  • new custom nav_mesh for better bot behaviour
  • fixed teleporter bug (on exit) for red team when going into the overworld
  • enabled spellbook HUD so that players now know what spells they have picked up
  • removed some old player clips that prevented a player from falling into a deathpit < you're welcome LOL

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Oct 6, 2008
Kill_the_Bug updated PL_Hell_Island with a new update entry:

Version B8 is released

B8 Changelog

  • added in teleport for blue starting spawn so that players can go back and forth between rooms during setup time, also makes things a little more challenging for red at the start to know where the main attack is going to come from
  • fixed all issues found in the last test
  • did a LOT more detailing of the map
  • changed overworld exit behaviour for players - you will now spawn closer to the cart based on it's location
  • fixed part of the frog god's pillars that were...

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