

L10: Glamorous Member
Mar 20, 2008
You can't just post pictures and expect me to know what your problem was:glare:
The first screenshot just looks like he's standing on the cart and the second just looks like hes standing on the metal sheet. neither of which are bugs....

Well, i guessed it was obvious enough :closedeyes:


Jan 6, 2008
Okay, now I remember another thing I was going to say a few days ago.

I don't like your rocks in the first area, because you can hardly get on top of any of them as any of the classes that move at "regular" speed. I managed to climb around on a cluster of 3-4 I believe, but I couldn't get on top of any others. In Badwater Basin you can get on top of pretty much every single rock - now, I don't want you to make a Badwater clone, but jumping around on rocks is actually a very clever tactic for Spies, Pyros, Scouts and so on. It's an interesting gameplay element that won't be overpowered because hardly anyone uses it, but those who do will have fun with it.

I suggest moving some of your rocks to make a sort of "staircase" in your clusters. You shouldn't let players scale just about any rock/cluster, but I'd go as far as to say that there should be a way to get on top of every single one.


Oct 30, 2008
Okay, now I remember another thing I was going to say a few days ago.

I don't like your rocks in the first area, because you can hardly get on top of any of them as any of the classes that move at "regular" speed. I managed to climb around on a cluster of 3-4 I believe, but I couldn't get on top of any others. In Badwater Basin you can get on top of pretty much every single rock - now, I don't want you to make a Badwater clone, but jumping around on rocks is actually a very clever tactic for Spies, Pyros, Scouts and so on. It's an interesting gameplay element that won't be overpowered because hardly anyone uses it, but those who do will have fun with it.

I suggest moving some of your rocks to make a sort of "staircase" in your clusters. You shouldn't let players scale just about any rock/cluster, but I'd go as far as to say that there should be a way to get on top of every single one.

Ah, another neurotically jumping around to get on things guy, I see :rolleyes:


L420: High Member
Aug 10, 2008
More suggestions:

In general, the first two Blu spawns are very bland (the the third, which houses both Blu and Red players is fine) in the fact that you hardly know that it is Blu territory. The first spawn room is fine, but the little setup area for Blu uses a drab, grey, NEUTRAL color scheme. This is bad! I'd suggest a more blu-ish color. For instance, some of the 2fort color schemes come to mind (the big, blu, non-accessible building on the right of the blu fort if you are looking at it from the red battlements has a terrific texture you can easily use). The second is brown, and while it fits with the building, it doesn't fit with the theme of Blu's forward spawn (Blu's forward spawn in badwater is all Blu themed, even though it is in Red territory). I'd suggest a bluer texture, maybe the one you have in that Blu shack that is in Blu's setup area.

More picture specific solutions:

At the third spawn for red (before the third point is capped), players spawn facing here and don't often know where to go originally. I'd suggest placing a dynamic arrow here that shows up here until Blu caps the third point, and then it disappears (and nothing replaces it).

Place a resupply locker here (this is in red's final spawn).



L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Oct 26, 2007


Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
Fail Dox. But that little bit of it sticking out does bug me too, but I've never been annoyed enough by it to post.
Sep 12, 2008
I just flew around in your map and noticed a few things:
You didn't use any point_spotlights or env_sprites in the blu setup area, same for the red spawns, and those do also look very dark to me.
Also, the rocket holder at the end of the map comes straight out of the building, that looks weird. The buildings around the final cap are nice, but you can see the skybox right behind it: what about placing some detailed buildings behind them? it looks really empty there..



L2: Junior Member
Dec 14, 2008
The server locked up a couple of times....but what we got to play of this one was awesome.
I think you nailed the balancing stuff. Everything about this one just felt right to me.

Great map.


L6: Sharp Member
Sep 28, 2008
there is a glitch in red second last spawn, you can build teles in the spawn room... so ppl build tele exits and then an entrance at the last spawn point, so that they can use that room up on the top of the cliff to camp... its quite annoying, and very hard to get past. But IMO thats part of the game until it gets fixed. Meh, it may not be fair, but its just a game.
Dont know if its been mentioned, but a friend of mine said that.


L10: Glamorous Member
Jan 2, 2009
It'd be really nice if you could playerclip the sides of areas like this:



Feb 12, 2009


L4: Comfortable Member
Nov 16, 2007
Just take the map, playtest it and give feedback, stop spamming every map thread...


Feb 12, 2009
Just take the map, playtest it and give feedback, stop spamming every map thread...

The whole point is too have a 1 on 1 with the mapper. Where not looking for bad displacements, or funny looking textures. We're talking about health pack placement, certain angles for attacking and defeneding, and other stuff that affects the balance of the map, and that we would like to openly discuss with the mappers. If the mappers don't want input on how this map would fare in comp play, fine, we won't test their map. This isn't charity.


Feb 12, 2009


Dec 5, 2007
Wait, did you just miss my other post? :confused:

nah, you ninja'd me. I didn't see how you were doing it before, I don't have vent installed and dont like commiting myself to online events... Kinda tired this evening. I'll think about it.