PL tracktrain Questions


L3: Member
Sep 8, 2008
Do you guys have "Not Solid" selected for your dynamic cart prop? That would be your #1 reason why they're getting stuck in your model. Have a look at the Badwater setup - there's no collision on the model (and you can shoot through parts of if, but this is hardly noticeable when playing).

For these areas would you put in a noclip brush - would that stop it from happening? I keep getting stuck in a corner.

Has anyone else had this problems and can you put down how you fixed it?

As a general rule of thumb, you shouldn't have your cart going that close to any wall and keep a minimum clearance of 64 units to either side of the space the train brush will take up.
Oct 6, 2008
yes mine's set to not solid - the big are where I'm having the prom is when it hits a 45 degree slope -brush or displacement - I get pushed into the slope then I "spring out" of it sometimes. I've put a no clip there but doesn't work.