
KotH Pistonedstone A9

Joseph joestar

L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
Pistonedstone - there's a point, there's a cave, there're cones... Yea

So, here we go
I was doing some things between my Disasterous previous map, but I haven't been satisfied with all of them, so I often just deleted them. But anyway, I want to post at leas something just to see if it's any better than before.

Map itself is a koth with a point on a platform and cones . It has many routes from one side to the another is looking (at least now) like ya'all known badlands.

Joseph joestar

L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
It has been month since I touched this. Mostly because I couldn't drag myself to do anything. But now I've got myself to actualy work on it, so...
As I remember, the biggest issue on the last Imp was flat mid, so A2 consist mostly of point changes.

-some routes were deleted, since it was harder with them to actualy attack the point itself,
-mid got some hight variation - cliff on the opposite side of the point,
-the building near the point recived some changes,
-small changes here and there.

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Joseph joestar

L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
-that route under the point (the mini-sewer) has been deleted deleted. No one was using it anyway,
-instead of that weird platforms next to the buildings there're balconies,
- one of the routes from the spawn (the cave) was completly rechanged,
-some doors became slidedoors to prevent sightlines,
-some elevation changes near the point,
-changed terrain style - now it's grass and cliff-ysh instead of desert.


I'm quite happy how it turned out. I like the balconies, but I'm not sure if they're going to work out. And that sewer thing under the point - deleted. No one was using it, the was no purpose for it, so now it's no more.

The cave route was completly revamped due to displacements being a bitch. Honestly. I would not bother fixing this mess. Overall, The map has less mine-things now and more grass, but I don't know if that'll stay.

There are also some minor clip problems (some rock props sticking out/ slightly flying) but they shouldn't be a major problem. Now I'm interested in how does the map plays.

There are probably some jakny things here and there, so if there's a gameplay problem feel free to leave some feedback.

see ya :D

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Joseph joestar

L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019

- the mid area is now slightly wider,
- the transition area is slightly thinner,
- the point is now bigger,
- some routes have been slightly changed, so now they are leading more straight up to the point,
- next to the point there are stairs added,​

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Joseph joestar

L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019

- the cliff is now thinner - the outer route has been removed,
- slight change to the cliff building,
- spawn building redesigned,
- attempt of adding textures so I'm going to suffer later,
- optimization things,
- detail minithingies (skybox, props)
Again - some routes have been changed. the cliff is now thinner and I hope it will direct people to the point.
I don't know.
I have changed the spawn building, so it's slightly closer to the transition doors and also feels slightly better.
I know that's not the best thing, but I was doing things with detail and tetures. Cuz why not. Maybe I'll suffer later, but hey.

I't's my first attempt at optimization, so I don't know if it's correct or not. That is honestly just a completly new thing. I know how those brushes work... but you have to think where and how to put them so it'll make sense and work. The time will tell.

And at the end, of course, feedback appreciated, mostly on the layout and optimization.​

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Joseph joestar

L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
- door placement in the near-mid buildings has been changed,
- added an extention to the houses near the cliff,
- changed some health and ammo pack placement,
- more detail even if it's an alpha,
- slight spawnpoint change.

The previous version had a big problem of people using only 1 route, when there are 3 of them. This version should correct this.

The cliff buildings have been slightly extended for the defencive puropse. Some health and ammopacks were adjusted to them.

Some doors have been also changed for the exact same reason.
I'm interested now if there are some sightlines needed to be changed/deleted.

As always, any feedback appreciated.​

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Joseph joestar

L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
- the map is smaller. It should be more managable now,
- small adjustments to some routes,
- slight detail reduction.


Map requiered a size adjustment, which wasn't the most enjoyable thing to do, but now, at least, it should be better. There weren't almost any other changes because of it.
In A7 I'm looking for some feedback about the point, because I feel like it favors one specific route over the rest.
Basicly - closer to big building -the better. Dat is no good and will probably change later.

Any feedback appreciated.​

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Joseph joestar

L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
After doing nothing for a month there have been some changes now. yay

-the spawn has changed,
-the "middle" route has been streched to the cliff, same with the balcony,
-door placements have been changed,
-the cliff house has slightly diffrent doors to the point,
-the ramp from cliff to the point has been removed
-I honestly don't know if there are more changes. We shall see if it's even playable.

If anything, the point feels... odd, weird. It's probably going to change. I have some Ideas for it so... yea.

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Joseph joestar

L1: Registered
Aug 5, 2019
- the point has been revamped. I probably have buchered it, but we shall see.
- some shutter doors have been removed.
- the "big building" routes have been redone.

The only thing I will say, Is that I accidentaly saved a9 map on a8 file, so if I've messed up something it would be more a pain in the backside if I need to backtrack...
Life is brutal.

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