Overwatch Beta

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
For those who missed it:
Pre-order now: http://us.battle.net/overwatch/en/buy/

Base Overwatch game (all current 21 heroes) - 40 bucks (USD)
Overwatch: Origins (21 heroes + ingame goodies for all Blizz games) - 60 bucks (USD)
Collectors editions (Everything else + Statue + Source book + soundtrack) - unlisted price


Feb 14, 2010
So I got into the beta yesterday, and immediately smacked my face into the wall where my GTS 250 simply did not have the necessary graphical hardware to launch the game (that was the error message) (minimum turns out to be gtx 460). so I went out and bought a GTX 950 and got to play a bit.

Here's some environments of the game: https://imgur.com/a/78ahJ
And here's video I made showing off the capabilities of a character named 'D. Va' who drives a mech: https://youtu .be/LNOcqkx7nsY

My opinion of it so far (only like 4 hours of gameplay so far) is that it's as if TF2 was ported to the Source 2 engine by a bunch of Blizzard employees, but they really thought about what was annoying.

So far my favorite classes are 'D. Va' who plays like a less-powerful HWG with a fast-recharging jetpack ability. 'Junkrat' who plays like demoman but with only a pipebomb launcher and special trap abilities, and 'Bastion' who is an overpowered (imo) mobile sentrygun thing.


L1: Registered
Jan 19, 2016
I'm looking forward to this game. I've not enjoyed TF2 for a while now and have been looking for a good game to replace it.