
SURF Overlook v3c


Feb 14, 2010
Overlook (SURF)
by Egan

Currently: Release Candidate V2

Surf_Overlook is based around TF2's arena surf combat. In the center of the arena are two forts with capture points inside of them. Capturing the points do not win the game, but they do spawn dispensers and sentryguns to the point owner's team inside of the buildings at mid. There are several buttons around the middle of the map that can help you attack or defend the forts: spawning rockets, creating breakable walls, and traps.

Going through the portals at the side of the arena take you to the linear surf section. Beating the linear surf gets you to a cool room with map statistics (# map beaten, kills, deaths, disconnects), buttons that control things in the map, teleporters to all key areas of the map, and other secret goodies.

The arena takes inspiration from surf entrance and surf snow arena, whereas the linear was made pretty much on-the-fly with whatever I thought would be cool at the time. There's also 3 hidden trails in the map and a few secret rooms to keep the explorers interested. Also also, here's an imgur album of the concept art, and every useful screenshot that I used for the development of this map. Probably not useful to anyone, but I thought it would be neat. :p http://imgur.com/a/bBxGl
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Feb 14, 2010
I dont like the texture you're using as the surf surfaces. It seems much noisier than it needs to be.

Yeah, unfortunately that's just what happened when I sized the ramp down and then copied/pasted it endlessly to create the curves of the ramps - its just looping the same bit of the texture over and over again. Of course there are ways to align the next series of texture based on the previous one you have selected, but in the cases of surf ramps it ends up being awkwardly skewed along the ramp upwards instead of following the curve of the ramps. I've talked with a few other surf map makers and there doesn't seem to be a way to fix that, to our knowledge.

Just to mention, I do have plans to update this map eventually, and have for a while now actually. I just lost a lot of interest in surf. I do like the format of posts/updates on tf2maps.net though so I have re-added it to my to-do list. ;)


Feb 14, 2010
Egan updated Overlook with a new update entry:


surf_overlook_v3 biggest changes:
  • Fixes for the crashing that was occuring with 32 playercount servers in v2.
  • Lots more to do in the main arena. 2 more capture points, and 4 towers to capture from switches.
  • 3 new bonus stages: Lava, Trees, Air. Each gives good rewards also. These have portals both at the end of the map, and also portals throughout the surf, based on new theming.
  • Now with VScript you can surf the map offline, sv_airaccelerate 150 is set by default...

Read the rest of this update entry...


Feb 14, 2010
Egan updated Overlook with a new update entry:


surf_overlook_v3b Biggest changes:
  • Fix for some sounds being heard across the map (rockets/slam/doors/etc).
  • The health buff for completing the map is nerfed a lot. And the Giant mode in the skybox no longer gives x10 health. A small health buff was given to bonus 2 trees though.
  • Increased cooldown on the map-wide teleport buttons from 6 mins to 10 mins.
  • Increased performance in the main surf arena by about 20%.
  • Added 2 buttons in each spawn to further help with...

Read the rest of this update entry...


Feb 14, 2010
Egan updated Overlook with a new update entry:


surf_overlook_v3c biggest changes:
  • The cooldown on the teleport-all-to-jail buttons have been increased from 10 minutes each to 40 minutes each. It used to be you could be teleported once ever 5 minutes, and now once every 20 minutes. This was the largest complaint about v3b.
  • Fixed shooting the buttons in spawn spamming the message about binding a key to +use. That message now only appears when you get near the buttons to you only.

surf_overlook_v3c smaller...

Read the rest of this update entry...