MVM - can i stop bots from spawning with the flag?


L2: Junior Member
Oct 23, 2021
i want bots to spawn and have to pickup the flag from another location instead of spawning with the flag on their back? how can i do this?



L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
It is possible just very janky and takes a lot. If you want a frame of reference then @Asd417 has a prefab for it.

You can also see this logic in action on their map, Security.

The jist of how it works is that basically 1 bot permantantly has a actual bomb but is in a dev box to prevent them from impacting the gamemode, this is required to prevent the hud from breaking.

Every other bot basically operates as a gatebot, following the instructions of a prerequsite telling it to go to where you want them to get the flag from. And upon getting there you can force spawn a point template on them that creates a new intel entity for them to use. Every additional intel you want for any unconventional mvm gimmick needs to be point templated in and immediately picked up because otherwise bots would just immediately spawn in with the intel on them the moment they are able to.

From there you need to give the bots a new instruction set with more nav prerequsites, as otherwise the bots will just start to roam the map looking for players to beat up rather then standard squad behavior. Directing them to try to follow where the in bounds intel is.

It is very doable but you will be fighting bot pathfinding woes since they are very prone to doing things you would not expect. If you do give it a go though keep these commands in mind just to make the pathfinding parts easier to understand.

nb_blind 1 - so bots mostly don't consider you when doing things and so you don't get shot. They will melee though if they get too close.
nb_debug path - will show you arrows on the floor showing how bots are trying to walk through the level.
nb_debug behavior - each bot will have a bunch of text on them showing their current priorities in terms of goals.
nb_debug - leaving the command empty will turn it off just incase it gets too busy or don't need the info at the time

all of the commands below will color a nav square based upon if its being affected by the corrosponding entity in its name.
green for prefer, red for avoid, blue for prerequsite.

nav_show_func_nav_prefer 1
nav_show_func_nav_avoid 1
nav_show_func_nav_prerequisite 1
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