
ARENA Midbarn A4

Scouter Egg

L1: Registered
Apr 6, 2018
Midbarn - Its Brye, but with ONE barn!

One day I loaded up brye to play with bots. I found out that bots don't work on arena mode that day but I decided instead to explore and got an Idea.


47 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
you know, something I've been experimenting with, but could never publish because the rest of the map failed, is putting to silos on the sides of the barn where the roof entrance is, putting an outer ring on the silo, and a pathway into the barn roof. Maybe to get to the silo you can make a building, which will also take away the negative space factor.

Just an idea that can be done with two cylinders and a sphere (make sure to func_detail the sphere)

Scouter Egg

L1: Registered
Apr 6, 2018
Today marks the day that midbarn is 2 years and 20 days old! lets celebrate with an update thats been worked on (and off) for 2 years!

-Added player clips on top of the barn
-Removed Bottom layer of the map
-Changed barn interior to account for the point

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Scouter Egg

L1: Registered
Apr 6, 2018
-Added extra buildings next to spawn buildings
-Added third entrance to spawns
-Added side doors in the barn to the point
-Added capture signs around the point
-Added more space to the map
-Added cover in front of spawn rooms
-Removed underground entrances
-Removed large rectangle brushes
-Removed some lights in the spawn rooms
-Changed Skybox and Environment lighting
-Decreased point activation time from 60 seconds to 45 seconds

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