I suggest we be quiet about our misgivings until we've actually played it.
Randdalf aa Feb 14, 2008 1,051 932 Nov 9, 2009 #21 I suggest we be quiet about our misgivings until we've actually played it. 5
F FaTony Banned Mar 25, 2008 901 160 Nov 9, 2009 #22 randdalf said: i suggest we be quiet about our misgivings until we've actually played it. Click to expand... qft
randdalf said: i suggest we be quiet about our misgivings until we've actually played it. Click to expand... qft
owly-oop im birb aa Apr 14, 2009 819 1,217 Nov 9, 2009 #23 although it is a "fun" map, it doesn't look fun because being sniped every 5 seconds isn't fun 2
D Delusibeta L3: Member Mar 21, 2009 100 14 Nov 9, 2009 #24 It looks like a lolmap, sounds like a lolmap, but we'll see what it plays like.
drp aa Oct 25, 2007 2,273 2,628 Nov 9, 2009 #25 supertoaster said: although it is a "fun" map, it doesn't look fun because being sniped every 5 seconds isn't fun Click to expand... i like getting sniped. it tells me that person actually considered me. he could have taken aim at a heavy or something, but no. he chose me. 4
supertoaster said: although it is a "fun" map, it doesn't look fun because being sniped every 5 seconds isn't fun Click to expand... i like getting sniped. it tells me that person actually considered me. he could have taken aim at a heavy or something, but no. he chose me.
StickZer0 💙💙💃💙💙 aa Nov 25, 2008 664 647 Nov 9, 2009 #26 Lol, awesome map. You gave me an awesome idea for my next art project, thanks!
lana Currently On: ????? aa Sep 28, 2009 3,075 2,778 Nov 9, 2009 #27 drpepper said: i like getting sniped. it tells me that person actually considered me. he could have taken aim at a heavy or something, but no. he chose me. Click to expand... You're welcome. No I'm kidding I've never killed anyone as sniper and never will.
drpepper said: i like getting sniped. it tells me that person actually considered me. he could have taken aim at a heavy or something, but no. he chose me. Click to expand... You're welcome. No I'm kidding I've never killed anyone as sniper and never will.
owly-oop im birb aa Apr 14, 2009 819 1,217 Nov 9, 2009 #28 drpepper said: i like getting sniped. it tells me that person actually considered me. he could have taken aim at a heavy or something, but no. he chose me. Click to expand... but who would go heavy on this map
drpepper said: i like getting sniped. it tells me that person actually considered me. he could have taken aim at a heavy or something, but no. he chose me. Click to expand... but who would go heavy on this map
lana Currently On: ????? aa Sep 28, 2009 3,075 2,778 Nov 9, 2009 #29 supertoaster said: but who would go heavy on this map Click to expand... Someone who runs a 24/7 Metro server with class and weapon restrictions. Heavy with fists/sandvich only.
supertoaster said: but who would go heavy on this map Click to expand... Someone who runs a 24/7 Metro server with class and weapon restrictions. Heavy with fists/sandvich only.