feedback as per request

-How did these tires get on that pole?

-Looks like I can get up here, but I can't

-tree sticking through wall

-displacement sticks through other displacement

-the lighting in this buildings is too close to the prop and/or not wide enough so you get the odd shadows. Also seems odd to have such a harsh light in a room open to the outside, maybe keep the bulb there but have it turned off and use a light with with the same settings as environmental light or something.

-Pine trees don't drop their leaves, let alone ones that look like this

-that fence/railing is so short for a large space it's odd that I can't jump over it

-light streaks don't line up at all. Use some brushes with white gradient and render effects to make ones that actually fit the roof

-make func_illusionary

-doesn't show in a screenshot but this guy is constantly vibrating and restarting his animation

-illumination on the door window doesn't make sense with the area behind it

-this door is impossible as it leads to this outside area

-No way for any of this stuff to have gotten up here

far hill is very stretched, also remove shadows from the rocks

-remove collision or clip smooth

-no draw

-so many stairs are unclipped

-this hill has the same problems as the previous. Take a look at Yukon for an example of hills like this

-this ceiling is super messed up with props sticking in it

-upper area looks accessible yet it's not

-I can get under here

-clip all of this beamwork. Also maybe put a door into the building

-sign is basically unreadable on this texture

-crane isn't far enough away to get away with being basic brushwork

-keep getting caught up on these consoles when trying to walk through here

-the highly reflective metal texture here doesn't fit

-up texture scale for water

-floating mushrooms

-z-fighting on the windows. Also the roof looks accessible and yet it's not

-maybe have this middle panel see-through to make this area more interesting and let players see where all they can go

-clip the beamwork
Lastly, your respawnroom visualizers are messed up and I can't leave my own spawn.