
No Pie For You!

L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
The title, is Urban Fight. It is a koth map in wich the two teams battle for the middle placed CP in a Urban like area, with 2 flats, 2 towers (for counter sniping), and a park (in wich the CP is situated).

Each team has 3 primary ways to get to the CP, and 1 alternative route that can get you quite near the enemy lines (mostly for spyes).
Also the flat contains windows that allow the players to rain death upon the capturing opponents. but because i`ve made the windows quite large, this would not unbalance the game because it makes players more vulnerable to snipers.

The center point provides some cover from ground-ground assaults, but it provides little cover from attacks from above.

1. This is the team`s spawn exit, and also the only way you can get on the roof of the 2 buildinds
2. View just next to the sniping tower, and to the alternative route for more sneaky persons suc as spies
3.View from the center of the map, the park
4.pictures from the end of the alternative route exit, with a small space a spy can refill, or an engi can build
5.view from the building`s 1st floor
6. view of the entire 1st floor of each building.

I`ve just about finished the map, only i `m having problems with the skybox,
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Jun 9, 2009
First off, if you're going to take pictures in Hammer, increase your model draw distance under Tools > Options > 3D view. Second, this thing is open. I have no idea what's going on around the point, but it looks superweird. Also, your textures are all very stretched; make sure to use a scale of 0.25x0.25 on mostly everything, other than some details and water (which should be 1x1). How about some in-game pics?

No Pie For You!

L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
seba, my friend, i have no ideea what youre talking about....
i don`t want so be rude but i am a beginner in mapping so i don`t know the editor so well, so besides the OPEN stuff i didnt understand anything.

no it`s not open, i just made a transparent ceiling so u can see the map from higher distance, because i`m having trouble with the skybox.


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 26, 2009
What he means is that there is a very limited amount of cover in the map, rather than it being "Open" in the sense you describe, in Valve maps, which you should have a looksie at Here and go through this tutorial to fix any of the mapping mistakes you may make Here.

What you should try to do is: Remove the transparent ceiling, as a transparent texture dosent seal a map, you should really try your hardest to get a skybox created, without one, you will have weird graphical glitches in the areas outside your map.

Put more cover (Walls, buildings and boxes and whatnot) for people to hide behind and suchlike.

Also, when you texture a brush (The name for the blocks you create for the floor and such) the button just above the texture button is the select face button, click on that and find the X and Y scale options and scale your textures down to, as Seba said, 0.25x0.25. It'll improve the look of your map.

Place character models (In the same way you place props, just type "Heavy" or whatever into the box you type into to choose the props you wish to place) so you are able to discern the scale of what you have.

Those are the basics of what you should try to fix with this, mate. Good luck with getting further into mapping!


L1: Registered
Sep 10, 2009
As a beginner myself, who's been screwing around in hammer a lot and never actually released anything worth playing (yet). I have a few links that should help you out.
This is ABS resource pack of awesomeness use it.
And this is the very useful environment gallery by Acegikmo to help you along with your skybox lighting.
Honestly, pretty much everything in tutorial sub-forum.

The Valve Developers Community and Nodraw.net also have alot of useful information.

I made this very silly mistake when I first started out, was when you search for the skybox texture, the place-cards come up first, do not apply them as your textures (yes, I really did that before I read some in-depth tutorials) you want to use the texture that looks like this

(use keyword skybox and scroll to bottom)

No Pie For You!

L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
thanks for the support guys! ill look into them !
ill get some in-game pictures ready in about half a day...

No Pie For You!

L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
ok... i`ve uploaded the more detailed pictures from the map....
ill start workung on the textures right away
Feb 17, 2009
some things:

1) Add some lights. Right now it's fullbright. People don't like to play maps that don't have lights.
2) That car model is from hl2. (so are some textures) Please try to use only tf2 textures and models. ;)

No Pie For You!

L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
engineer, are there any car models that already exist except the van and the truck?
because i don`t know how to create new models yet.
and the lights will be taken care of in a few days after i`m done with the texturing.


Jun 11, 2009
there are quite some car models on the fpsbanana site, but i don't wanna search or even link to it, because of this weird virus news that spread this week.
if you're brave enough you can search the site and download the cars. i think this guy made like 4-5 cars - don't remember completely, though. worth a try, anyways :)

No Pie For You!

L1: Registered
Jul 19, 2010
i made some modifications, but i still get lots of errors.... although the car problem is fixed, the overlayer and skybox problem still ellude me... not to mention the lights... ill update the photos as soon as i get hammer to succesfully compile the new map version

Sgt Frag

L14: Epic Member
May 20, 2008
For sky you need to use that sky tex shown a few posts up.

Then you need to go to file>map>properties (i think) and add the skybox name. That will give you the texture of sky, clouds... behind your map in game. the environment gallery makes it really easy as you can grab the light set-up (has sun light properties for map in it).

Then a 3d 'skybox' is a different thing altogether. There is a tut..

Basically that is a small box to the side of your map. Covered completely in that sky texture (above). and inside it has skybox props - 1/16 th scale models and a sky camera. all that will be rendered in front of the sky/clouds texture, but behind the world geometry. That makes your map look a lot bigger than it really is.