
KotH koth_trafficked a3a

A Keyboard

L1: Registered
Mar 15, 2017
koth_trafficked - A simple KOTH map with trains.

A simple, compact KOTH map including trains that activate when either team caps the point. Looking for feedback on layout, sightlines and train explots/bugs.

Upcoming plans:
-adding soundscapes and improving lighting
-restructuring spawns to increase rollout times
-misc. detailing

A Keyboard

L1: Registered
Mar 15, 2017
The following changes have been implemented:

>modified brushwork and clipping to alter layout and sightlines
>modified train logic for efficiency
>added doors to spawn rooms
>added warning lights for trains
>modified health & ammo placement
>reworked left-hand flank to point, it's now more spacious and has a water element
>reworked train speed & timing
>added cubemaps and spectator cameras

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