
L3: Member
Dec 1, 2016
Koth_PITFALL - king of the hill, alpine, stone, metal

This is my first map i'm posting, so don't expect much.
KOTH_PITFALL is an alpine themed map mixed with stone (red) and metal (blue).
It features a few pitfalls, under the point, and in certain buildings.

Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
the spawn area is unnecessary big, unless you want one team to spawncamp the other

while the mid area (control point) meant to be the main battlefield, is so tight and choky, not to mention 2 "pit of death" take all the places


L3: Member
Dec 1, 2016
the spawn area is unnecessary big, unless you want one team to spawncamp the other

while the mid area (control point) meant to be the main battlefield, is so tight and choky, not to mention 2 "pit of death" take all the places

Thanks for the feedback, I think I'll move the spawns up a bit, or add some cover, and I'll try to open up the cap.
Not sure what you meant by the "pit of death" take all the places. If you mean the holes are too big, and the cap zone too small, i'll be changing that soon.

Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
Thanks for the feedback, I think I'll move the spawns up a bit, or add some cover, and I'll try to open up the cap.
Not sure what you meant by the "pit of death" take all the places. If you mean the holes are too big, and the cap zone too small, i'll be changing that soon.

no one like to be killed because they miss step and fall while they're fighting, if those 2 pits were put on the side of the map, where players less likely to get on (like a flank routes or a full medkit) it'll be alright

but put them right on the point is not cool, not to mention Pyro airblast can push you down there (even easier with the help of the walls)


also don't know if it just a mistake, but these roofs need to be blocked
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L3: Member
Dec 1, 2016
Yeah, I know about the clipping, I was gonna just publish the map first to get an understanding of what worked and what didn't.
I'll do the rest of the clipping in A2 or A3.

Also I have gotten rid of the squished are with the roof your supposed to be able to get on by deleting that building and replacing it with a different building. I'll try out moving the pit around to find another spot.


L3: Member
Dec 1, 2016
Changes to mid and spawns.
I know that I broke the spawn door on red, will fix next update.
Also will be doing clipping, kinda forgot.
Shrunk the holes and am thinking of making extra ones on flank routes thanks to "Messing Around" for the feedback.

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L3: Member
Dec 1, 2016
-made mid more open/ bigger
-added dropdowns to the point
-shrunk the flank routes and added doorways to them

To be done in A5:
+add windows to furthest left transition building
+brighter lighting in the spawn rooms
+start on clipping doorways? maybe?

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