I still think you should just... Start all over.
You know,get fresh,start with something small,with dev textures,get it tested,keep getting better,yadiyada. Not just get directly from alpha to release candidate.
For example,
KotH - Hangar is a really hyped-ish map. It has been tested,loved and the author has been working SO hard on it even other people are helping him with the models,for example.
THAT map is STILL in beta,and it has been around for 5 months. Your map has been here LESS than a month,with tons of errors,flat surfaces,empty/big ass rooms,and well... nothing interesting at all.
I think I might be the first to say it,I might not? But I feel bad to say it.
Long story short,you map
If nobody did,it had to be said. You have potential,seriously. But I think you're basically RUSHING to "finish" your map and get it played and all that stuff.
I've been working on a PL map (MY first map) for 2 months,and I STILL haven't finished the second cap point (AKA it's not even in ALPHA). I just want to make a decent map that has the least amount of bugs,game changes and such. And I'm just putting all my heart to it.
Like I said: you have potential. Just,start over,maybe another KotH since they're the easiest. Or a 3CP,or 5CP,or an Attack/Defend. Just use your imagination,take all the time in the world...
And put all your heart into it. If you decide to start all over again and make a new map,I'll be glad to test it,give some feedback and try to help you on anything.
Hopefully this "little" reply won't make you mad,or sad. I'm sorry if it actually did.