[INFO] CTF Gametypes

Oct 25, 2007


L1: Registered
Dec 11, 2007
Is there a special file you need in order to get the other styles of game play to work? When I use invade, the sounds are not found also when you capture the flag it doesn't give the team that captured any points.


L3: Member
Nov 30, 2007
Most of the game types you see other the standard ones are broken beyond repair. Much like many of TF2's ents...


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 6, 2008
Hmm I was very happy to learn about the Attack/Defend option because it did exactly what i wanted to do, namely slow down the carrier a la the TFC map cz2. I loved that map and think it would work for TF2 very nicely but I have some questions:

1) Can the message that appears on your screen when you hold the flag be changed?
2) Can the timer for how long the flag sits after the carrier dies be changed?
3) Any possible workaround for the one person carrying multiple flags problem? I assume its this problem that Maniac is referring to above.


My map sctf_playtest is an attack and defend map. (atleast i think)
Works very good also speed penalty works. The question is how to use the flag and how to name your map because al this game types needs prefixes.
mine is sctf but that also works for other ctf gametypes.


Most tf2 players are to stupid to understand new game types.... GRRRR


Dec 5, 2007
Most tf2 players are to stupid to understand new game types.... GRRRR

I find a friendly admin making announcements on 'what to do to win' works well, at least when I do it no one says they are confused.

If a new game type becomes popular and is used in many maps then people will eventually accept it as a normal game type. BEAT THEM INTO SUBMISSION:angry:


But first we have to beat the admins!
I playtested that sctf map of my and there was a scout that took the intel in the middle and he stared running back.....
And there are huge arrows on the ground.
Also in the kaboom map where you have to get intel in base and then cap in the enemy base.
Always when i play it 1 guy thinks he needs to take the intel and runs back and keeps running back after everbody is shouting that he is going the wrong way.
Last time it was a sniper and they guy just whent back sniping with the intel....because he was afraid of going into enemy base and did not know how to drop it.
What can you do against such idiots?


L5: Dapper Member
Jan 6, 2008
It might be good to note on the chart there that while the Territory Control does not have a return timer, the flag also does not return at all. I thought that the return might be immediate but the flag just sits there.

Also with further experimentation there does indeed appear to be a speed penalty for Territory Control. I cannot determine if it is a smaller penalty than Attack/Defend, it seems very close to identical really. I wonder if thers anyway to remove the penalty altogether?
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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Jan 4, 2008
If Im using the attack/defend, how do I make it add score to the player capping the flag?


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 26, 2008
I did some experimenting. Here are my findings.

For any of the non-standard flag settings, "Captures" are not recorded. So, when you capture the flag, it will show the message in the HUD like usual:

But the numbers that show how many captures will not be affected:

So if you're playing to three captures, that will never happen and you'll have to figure out some other way to end the game. Perhaps OnCapture you could increment a math_counter and then end the game with game_round_win when the counter reaches the required number of captures.

The game modes "Attack/Defend" and "Invade" will mess up the number of kills that you see on your scoreboard. Attack/Defend will give you 30 kills for each flag capture and Invade will give you 10.
Here is the scoreboard after one capture of a Attack/Defend flag, when I had no actual kills:

Notice that Kills is 30 while Points and Captures are still at zero. These kills do not affect your longterm stats. Territory Control and King of the Hill modes don't award false kills but they will still not register the captures.

Attack/Defend and Invade also call upon sound files that Valve hasn't created. This results in error messages in the console.

The files requested for Attack/Defend are:
ambience\goal_1.wav (played whenever the flag is capped)

The files requested for Invade are:

To solve this, you would need to create files with these names and package them with your map. You could extract the regular CTF sounds and rename them.

In the original post it was mentioned that some modes didn't have a flag return timer. This has since been changed. All modes have a return timer but item_teamflag has a new keyvalue that lets mappers change the length of the return timer. Another change is that Territory Control has a 50% speed penalty, the same as Attack/Defend.

For all types of flags, you capture by bringing the flag back to your team's trigger_capture_area, no matter which team's flag it is.

Info for each gametype:

  • Cannot pickup own flag
  • Can pickup enemy flag
  • Can pickup neutral (team = "Any") flags
  • no speed penalty
  • has announcer sounds that work
  • scoring system works

  • Can pickup own flag
  • Cannot pickup enemy flag
  • Cannot pickup neutral (team = "Any") flags
  • 50% speed penalty
  • has missing announcer sounds
  • gives 30 kills score for each capture
  • Messages to flag carrier on screen: "Take the flag to the Command Point" / "You secured Command Point 1!"

  • Can pickup own flag
  • Cannot pickup enemy flag
  • Can pickup neutral flag
  • no speed penalty
  • has missing announcer sounds
  • gives 10 kills score for each capture
  • Messages to flag carrier on screen: "You picked up the flag! Take it to the enemy base!" / "You dropped the flag!" / "You captured the flag!"

Territory Control
  • Can pickup own flag
  • Cannot pickup enemy flag
  • Cannot pickup neutral flag
  • 50% speed penalty
  • no announcer sounds played
  • doesn't give extra kills score

King of the Hill
  • Can pickup own flag
  • Can pickup enemy flag
  • Can pickup neutral flag
  • no speed penalty
  • no announcer sounds played
  • doesn't give extra kills score


L1: Registered
Mar 29, 2008
Looks like I want to use Invade if I want a One flag CTF game. That is, take the neutral flag that spawns in the center, cap at enemy base.

Did get 1CTF to work under regular CTF, however. Had to put the red capture zone in the blue base, and vice-versa.
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L6: Sharp Member
Jan 26, 2008
Looks like I want to use Invade if I want a One flag CTF game. That is, take the neutral flag that spawns in the center, cap at enemy base.

Did get 1CTF to work under regular CTF, however. Had to put the red capture zone in the blue base, and vice-versa.

Because of the problem with captures not counted as scoring, I would recommend that people try to use the regular CTF gametype if they can. You would need to create your own scoring system otherwise. If you want the red team to take a flag to the blue base, the red capture zone will have to be in the blue base no matter what type of flag is being used.

Ideally, for the game style you described Invade would be the gametype to use, if it worked correctly. But it doesn't so until it's fixed you're probably better off avoiding it.

Cpt Raem

L1: Registered
Feb 20, 2008
Is there no way to alter the speed penalty of the attack/defend ctf mode? First post by the way, from a PSP. :)


L3: Member
Mar 24, 2008
Grrr, I wonder if Valve has any plans to fix this crap. Is the 30 kill thing a bug or intentional?

Accepting that the Attack/Defend mode just doesnt work right, is there some way to manually add to a players score when capping?


L5: Dapper Member
May 7, 2008
Just a Question:
If it is set to invade game type, will the flag revert to its TFC model?