Improved Grappling Hook Physics Prefab - TF2's default grappling hook physics suck.
TF2's grappling hook physics suck by default, so I attempted a fix based more on Titanfall 2's hooks, preserving player look direction/momentum.
It works by parenting a trigger_push to a player, enabling when the player grapples and steering their velocity based on their look position.
Known issues (as of a1a):
TF2's grappling hook physics suck by default, so I attempted a fix based more on Titanfall 2's hooks, preserving player look direction/momentum.
It works by parenting a trigger_push to a player, enabling when the player grapples and steering their velocity based on their look position.
- Works on laggy connections (150-300 ping)
- Works without point_servercommand
- Works for any number of players
- Configurable to work with any setup
Known issues (as of a1a):
- Because it propels players forward, grappling is generally faster, especially when aiming at the grapple target: this can be made far more natural by changing the server cvar tf_grapplinghook_move_speed to 400-500
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