Good Mudkip

L1: Registered
Jun 21, 2022
So lately I've come to a realization about myself and what I've been looking for in terms of TF2 community servers. If I'm being perfectly honest, I'm kinda let down in terms of what the community offers in terms of TF2 custom servers. It's not that I don't like what they offer, it's just they aren't what I'm looking for.

Uncletopia is alright, but it's nothing but base TF2, nothing new going on over there.
Skial is neat, but it's nothing new either, and it doesn't offer a traditional TF2 experience on its servers.
I like the community gamemodes, but they aren't what I think of when I think of TF2.
And you guys here on TF2Maps are really cool, but when the map tests and game days aren't happening there's nothing to do here.

All this time I've been looking for a TF2 community that offers a traditional TF2 experience, with unique content, that I can consistently go on and have fun in with other players. By that, I mean a typical game of TF2 without instant respawn time, or custom gamemodes, or other stuff that sticks out like a sore thumb (random crits I'm fine without, but still). I want a place I can go where I can visit new maps other than the same old places you see in the base game. Somewhere where I can consistently expect to see other people on there to play with, instead of it just being 5 or 6 people in a barren wasteland.

And then as I was surfing earlier today, it hit me.

I want a server that does what did before they went kaput.

The stupidity that went on with was something else, I know that. But in all honesty, I miss being able to hop into one of their servers at the end of the day and play some good old TF2 with other people in new, different places than just Badwater, Borneo, Frontier, and others. The thing I've been looking for this whole time is somewhere that can help me fill that void, I guess. What I'm saying is that I miss the type of experience offered by, and I wish I could find a server that offered it that I can go to without it being desolate and abandoned.

I don't know if I delivered that in a way that makes sense, or gets across how I feel, I just wanted to get this off my chest. I miss, man, and I want something to fill the void.


L1: Registered
Oct 17, 2017
I know this reply is super late and I honestly didn't realize at first how long ago you made this.

I want to say that I absolutely feel this same sentiment. I really miss I feel like it wasn't this static thing Uncletopia is where its always the same old maps I've been playing for so long. Creators really had something special in their custom map choices and then the few staples. It didn't feel as repetitive. But now there isn't anything but Uncletopia or Skial which I get horrible FPS on.

My friends and I made a server but it doesn't ever get enough players. We honestly play 3v3 so often, but I just want those maps again. Even pro versions would be so much better. Don't think anyone ever sits and doesn't pull their hair out when pushing normal Barnblitz last.

I am really hoping for some community group to come around and just make an impact again. There just isn't enough publicity and anyone wanting to rival the static servers out there.

Damn, I really miss it too.